Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 136

Hi, everyone!
It's been a while since I've entered the reflection contest.

This photo is not from today - the cold weather has already turned cold and the yellow leaves have fallen off the trees. We were closing the season, so to speak. A week ago. We went for a walk and came to such a beautiful place.

It is the golden fall that I love. Like the one in the photo. Look how beautiful it is!

This picture shows the fall seen by Alexander Pushkin. It was in Boldino, his historical homeland. We were passing through.

And now. now we have gray, cold, rain and wind. Although by the weekend they promised it would be warmer. But the rain's not going anywhere.)

Have a good mood, goodness and peace and beauty around you.

And may fall give no cause for sadness. At least in the microcosm, because the macrocosm has gone mad.

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