Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest ENTRY - Round 202 -


Cuando hay sol, hay sombras y las calles de la ciudad de Reus son un prodigioso lugar para encontrar sombras hermosas y variadas, debido a las numerosas plazas y rotondas que alegran la ciudad y a la vez facilitan la circulación auto-motora. El sector que visitamos hoy es en las afueras de la ciudad, en donde está ubicado el Instituto Pere Mata, dedicado al diagnóstico de problemas cognitivos. La rotonda lleva su nombre. En la fotografía, podemos apreciar una simpática combinación de sombras y a @josegilberto, recorriendo la rotonda y tomando sus fotografías.
When there is sun, there are shadows and the streets of the city of Reus are a prodigious place to find beautiful and varied shadows, due to the numerous squares and roundabouts that brighten the city and at the same time facilitate automobile traffic. The sector we are visiting today is on the outskirts of the city, where the Pere Mata Institute is located, dedicated to the diagnosis of cognitive problems. The roundabout is named after him. In the photograph, we can see a nice combination of shadows and @josegilberto, walking around the roundabout and taking his pictures

" " " \" \" \" \" \"image.png\"\"\"\"\""""

♥Esta es mi participación para el Shadow Hunters Contest, en su Ronda 198, pueden participar siguiendo las instrucciones (@melinda010100/shadow-hunters-contest-smash-round-f1d6585a20413). Mi agradecimiento a @melinda010100, por su calor humano y su perseverancia con este concurso.

♠Para el texto en inglés, utilicé el Traductor de Google Chrome. ♥Las fotografías y los separadores de párrafos son de mi propiedad, puedo utilizarlos en otras publicaciones. ♥Publicación original de @mllg**

**♥ This is my participation for the Shadow Hunters Contest, in its Round 198, you can participate following the instructions (@melinda010100/shadow-hunters-contest-smash-round-f1d6585a20413). My thanks to @melinda010100, for her warmth and perseverance with this contest.

♠ For the English text, I used Google Translate.

♥ My friend @ sacra97 follows @ gamer00's Daily & Fresh, I follow both of them

♥The photograph and the paragraph separators are my property. Y could use them in other posts.

♥Original post by @mllg " " " \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"image.png\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\""""

GRACIAS POR LEER Y VALORAR MI PUBLICACIÓNTHANK YOU FOR READING AND VALUE MY POST" " " \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"image.png\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"""" " " " \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"image.png\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\""""

" " " \" \" \"image.png\"\"\""""

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