Daddy and Baby going to Farm. My entry for #311 Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest.

Hello #shadow hunters! I'm in for the contest again and I hope to always be consistent. Hunting shadows could be real fun. You just look for where there is a full supply of sunlight and figure out how you could get the shadows from there. Another time you set out something under the illumination of a lamp and try to take the shadow.

Today was quite funny, I set out with my cutlass to check on the farm. And then my wife was also planning to get to her work place. So, she pleaded with me to help in carrying the baby. I did. I hope you too love helping your wife 😍. Then we set out.

The sun had started coming out bright and even getting hotter (still contemplating whether to go to the farm again or suspend it till another day.)

On the way I just recall I'm entering in for the #shadowhunters contest. So, I decided to make use of the bright sunlight to capture the shadow of me and my baby 🥰

The tall shadow is that of myself. I'm carrying my little girl in my arms. And there is a cutlass in my hand.

How about your own shadow image? I've you gotten it?

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