The thinking man / SMASh Contest- Round 241

Hi shadow hunting community, I haven't been looking at my shadow lately, but a few days ago on a walk my husband and I took to the city hall it was spectacularly bright sunny, so we decided to stop for a moment at a lookout point that has a stunning view of part of the city's harbor.

Hola comunidad de cazadores de sombras, últimamente no he estado fijándome en mi sombra, pero hace días en una caminata que hicimos mi esposo y yo hacia el ayuntamiento de la ciudad estaba haciendo un sol espectacularmente brillante, entonces decidimos parar un momento en un mirador que tiene una sensacional vista hacia parte del puerto de la ciudad.

Contest image above / The thinking man

After admiring the scenery for a moment and taking some pictures of the horizon, just as we were leaving, I noticed the shadows around me, they were so noticeable that it was impossible to ignore them.

I took a few minutes to take pictures of them and share them with you, I must say I didn't know there was a contest going on so I take the opportunity to make my entry with these images.

Después de admirar el paisaje por un momento y de tomar algunas fotos del horizonte, justo cuando ya nos ibamos, me di cuenta de las sombras que se hacían alrededor, eran tan notables que era imposible ignorarlas.

Me tomé unos minutos para tomar fotos de ellas y compartirlas con ustedes, debo decir que no sabia que había un concurso en marcha así que aprovecho la oportunidad para hacer mi entrada con estas imágenes.

The image of the entry is called the thinking man, although it is actually my husband rummaging through his cell phone and I don't think he was thinking much at that moment since all his attention was on what he was seeing on the screen of his cell phone, but the image of his shadow reminded me of the statue of The Thinker by the sculptor Auguste Rodin, and well I thought it was the best name for that shadow. 😁

La imagen con la que concurso se llama el hombre pensante, aunque en realidad es mi esposo hurgando su celular y no creo que haya estado pensando mucho en ese momento ya que toda su atención estaba en lo que veía en la pantalla de su celular, pero la imagen de su sombra me recordó la estatua de El pensador del escultor Auguste Rodin, y bueno creí que era el mejor nombre para esa sombra. 😁


I hope these images meet the expectations for the contest and are to the liking of @Melinda010100 and her team.

Thank you all for stopping by and I wish you a wonderful rest of the day! ☀️


Thanks for stopping by

With love. María. 🖤



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