My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest - Round 172 [ENG/ESP]

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."

Ernest Holmes

Reflection Hunters Contest Round 172

Undoubtedly, pizza, along with the hamburger, is one of the most widespread and popular foods in the world. Although its origins date back to ancient civilizations, such as the Persian and Roman, the truth is that the version we know and enjoy today comes from the region of Naples, when at the end of the 18th century tomato was incorporated as an essential ingredient in its preparation.

Although there is a great diversity of varieties, pizza is usually made from a flat bread obtained by kneading wheat flour with water, salt and yeast. This disk-shaped bread is topped with tomato sauce, cheese, usually mozzarella, and just about any other topping one desires, and then baked in the oven.

This morning while I was walking through a well-known shopping center near my house, I could see in the exterior windows of a pizzeria, the reflection of the buildings that surround the mall and that are separated by an avenue where the different accesses are located, both vehicular and pedestrian for visitors and employees who come there daily.

As I have described in previous posts, I process the original photographs using the editing tools offered in their free versions by the applications Picsart and Snapseed.

Sin duda alguna, la pizza junto a la hamburguesa, es una de las comidas más difundidas y populares del mundo entero. Aunque sus orígenes se remontan a las antiguas civilizaciones, como la persa y la romana, lo cierto es que la versión que hoy en día conocemos y disfrutamos, proviene de la región de Nápoles, cuando a finales del Siglo XVIII se le incorpora el tomate como un ingrediente imprescindible en su elaboración.

Aunque existe una gran diversidad de variedades, lo habitual es que la pizza se elabore a partir de un pan plano que se obtiene del amasado de la harina de trigo con agua, sal y levadura. Este pan con forma de disco, se cubre con salsa de tomate, queso, generalmente mozzarella, y casi cualquier otro ingrediente que uno desee, para luego llevarlo al horno.

Esta mañana mientras me encontraba recorriendo un conocido centro comercial cercano a mi casa, pude observar en las ventanas exteriores de una pizzería, el reflejo de las edificaciones que rodean el centro y que están separadas por una avenida donde se encuentran los diferentes accesos, tanto vehiculares como peatonales para los visitantes y empleados que allí acuden a diario.

Como he descrito en posts anteriores, las fotografías originales las proceso haciendo uso de las herramientas de edición que ofrecen en sus versiones gratuitas las aplicaciones Picsart y Snapseed.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest. This is an initiative of @olgavita. I hope you enjoy it.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 22-06-2024

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