Shadows Along The Village Farm Road - Smash Contest Round 320

Hello shadow hunters family, how are you all doing? I warmly welcome you to my blog again. It's another shadow hunting week and I hope you are capturing those beautiful shadows, hehehe.

It's the SMASH 320 and I love to show you these shadows I captured on one of my walks along the village farm road some days ago. This road leads to so many farm lands and being the farming season, some farming activities are going on in earnest. Some farm lands have been cultivated, the crops germinated and doing well.

You know one thing with a village farm road is that you'll see different types of grasses, plants around it.
So here are the images I captured, hoping you will like them.

We will start with the shadows of the corn and okra, you can see how they've grown. I'm sure the owner is happy about the progress the farm is making and will be hoping to get a good yield.

Next one is this small corn shadow, lol. Seeing this small corn I just thought of how a seed of corn planted in the soil germinates, then start growing little by little till it flowers and bears fresh corncobs which we then harvest and eat. This is an indication that any living thing no matter how small have the potential to grow and bear fruit if it's not destroyed or cut off. Nature is indeed wonderful.

Next is this small tree stump that have regrown after being cut down, probably for firewood. By the time the crops grow to the level of being harvested, it would have equally grow more.

Here's cassava plant, already grown. This particular one was from last planting season, although part of the late planting. Before the year runs out, it will be ready for harvest.

And now to the grasses

Another one

There's also the shadow small guava tree. In another one year, it may start producing fruits.

Okay, here's all I have to share with you.
Thank you for coming around, hope to see you again.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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