Shadow of railing in our house (SMASh 271)

Hello everyone!!!

  • It's Monday here again and we're on our work after a holiday.

  • These are some views which i try to get from different Angles.

Yesterday was Sunday and i was cleaning my roof at evening around 4pm because it needs some cleansing. I noticed there's a beautiful shadow of our railing which we've on our roof.

Basically why we used it??

  • Children's can't fell off from roof. It's because of their safety.

  • For the safety of our pet's too.

  • Besides safety, i used this railing to dry out my clothes in summer πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜‚

entrance gate

On the second floor of our house, we've this railing all around like a square shape, i wish I've a drone camera than i can capture it's view from upward πŸ˜… but I've just my simple my mobile phone camera.

  • That's all for today, and this is my entry to shadow hunters contest round # 271 started by @melinda010100

Note: All the image's are captured by me.

Thank you for your time and support πŸ’«πŸ€*

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