Entry to the Round 335 Shadow Hunters Contest - A Charming Visit / Una Visita Encantadora


A Charming Visit

Greetings dear friends of Shadow Hunters Community hive, I have recreated a sequence of images, given by chance, I have a visit from relatives at home, and they have stayed for a few nights, although my sister in law lives near me, these days she has dedicated herself to remodel her house, and at night she comes to sleep since she has a lot of dust in it. My sister-in-law comes in the company of my niece, they have come with their bedding tucked in a very large wicker basket, I think they can both sleep in it.


Una Visita Encantadora

Un saludo querido amigos de Shadow Hunters Community hive, he recreado una secuencia de imágenes, dadas por casualidad, tengo una visita de familiares en casa, y se han quedado por unas noches, aunque mi cuñada vive cerca de mí, en estos días se ha dedicado a remodelar su casa, y por las noches viene a dormir ya que tiene mucho polvo en ella. Mi cuñada viene en compañía de mi sobrina, se han venido con su ropa de cama metida en una cesta de mimbre muy grande, creo que las dos pueden dormir en ella.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.19 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.19 PM (1).jpeg

The funny thing is that when they brought it I was watching a movie, with the lights off, and when they entered the room with the big basket, and the little light that was in the room, some faint shadows could be formed. I was excited to see them, I received them, of course I wanted to take advantage of the moment with the basket, because I could notice, the amount of shadows that I could take, they told me that I was very interested.

Lo curioso es que cuando la traían yo estaba viendo una película, con las luces apagadas, y cuando entraron al cuarto con la gran cesta, y la poca luz que había en el cuarto se pudo formar algunas sombras tenues. Yo emocionada al verlas, las recibí, claro quería aprovechar el momento con la cesta, porque pude notar, la cantidad de sombras que podía tomar, me dijeron que era muy interesada.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.20 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.20 PM (1).jpeg

While we shared a while, we improvised a small dinner with bread and some ham and cheese. I made a very tasty coffee with milk. At the same time my sister-in-law told me about the progress of the remodeling in her home and we counted the days that we did not see each other. I had paused the movie, I didn't finish watching it, and after a while we started with the photo sections, which are complicated. There has to be a person to place the object, another one to focus with the light. And me to take the images, a whole team of experts ha, ha, ha, ha.
Well I hope you like them, this weekend I could not enjoy my walks outdoors, I had some eventualities that had to be solve

Mientras compartimos un rato, improvisamos una pequeña cena con pan y algo de jamón y queso. Yo hice un café con leche muy rico. A la vez que mi cuñada contaba los adelantos de la remodelación, en su hogar y hacíamos un recuento por los días que no, nos veíamos. Había pausado la película no la termine de ver, después de un rato comenzamos con las secciones de fotos, que son complicadas. Tiene que haber una persona que coloque el objeto, otra que enfoque con la luz. Y yo tomar las imágenes, todo un equipo de expertas ja, ja, ja.
Bueno espero sean de su agrado, este fin de semana no pude disfrutar mis paseos al aire libre, tuve algunas eventualidades que había que resolver.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.21 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 5.40.21 PM (1).jpeg


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