No Matter What, The Hunt Is Still On!

Hello, to all my fellow Hivers! It's another Monday and here in the Philippines, another typhoon is threatening my locality and I miss sharing my reflection contents to this community. However, due to the impending bad weather, I wasn't able to have my reflection spree to a much wider place and that is along the seashore as the water surface is not good to do such things and instead I made the mountain as my reflection hunting ground particularly at the low lying areas where rain water accumulated.

Let's start from the spot going uphill, along the walkway where a pond was dug to store rainwater to supply the water needs of a backyard piggery as well as the adjacent rice fields. Beside the pond is a multi-purpose hut of which the farmers can cook their meals as well as to pile their harvest.

I feel so fortunate as its not yet windy when I started my ascend this morning so I was able to take reflection shots as many as I can on a certain spot. Those are mahogany trees surrounding the hut and they reflected so very well on the water.

Before continuing my walk going uphill, I pointed my camera to the place where I am heading and the lens was able to capture the view along the way.

Upon reaching the mountain top, I was greeted by this lovely sight, the reflection of trees along the rainwater spillway.

While I am looking for a nice spot of where I will execute my next shot, I saw a herd of free range goats passed by along with a dog and some of the goats passed near the water enough for their reflection to be casted.

Finally, I headed to the much larger pond and surveyed the place where I can set my foot to its bank that is not covered by thick vegetation and I found this bamboo grove that is now becoming robust due to enough supply of water.

Adjacent to the bamboo grove are towering agoho pine trees and I was able to capture their reflection partially as I wasn't able to take a picture of the trees wholly due to limited spot in finding the proper angle and distance.

I took a few clicks of the bamboo grove once again as this is the only subject I found that is free from objects that can obstruct my view.

And I was able to determine the proper distance and angle to have a clear shot of the bamboo grove of which their leaves are intricately shown against the sky that is now shrouded by gray clouds.

I moved to the other side of the bank and I was able to capture the view of the mountain which are reflected on the still water of which the bamboo grove can be seen and another patches of agoho pine trees can be seen from the distance.

I scanned the place for possible subjects and I was able to have the reflection of the branch of one agoho pine tree so vividly reflected on the water as well as the view of the mountain covered by trees and lush vegetation nurtured by the rain water.

Also of the thatch grasses of which their inflorescence already turned into white that signifies that they are already ripened and will drop to the ground anytime to start another life cycle.

Finally, lets have some sort of abstraction from reflection of the agoho pine trees of which if we examine it closely, the outline of my reflection can be seen.

This is my humble contribution for this week's Reflection Hunter's Contest #185 hosted by Ms. @olgavita. Have a nice day to everyone and thamks to our generous sponsors. God bless!

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