Reflection Hunters Contest - Round 30 - Nature and Beauty.

My walks have become ever more pleasant and interesting since, I joined Hive there isn't a day that goes by that i'm not taking a photo whether, I am on walks or just hanging around, I am always on the look out for some beautiful scenery, reflection or sunsets no matter where, I maybe I am always looking around me to capture that interesting photo that will somehow become useful on Hive, it really has made my life more interesting because you tend to take more notice and become more alert with your surroundings they say what you miss out on you will never see again, so I take every opportunity not to miss out on the beauty of nature or whatever of interest is in my presents at the time, in fact, it has even become very educational seeing things you may not have seen before you will go home and google that which is building up your intel of information within you, so without anymore delay, these are a mix of some beautiful nature reflections, I captured on some of my walks along Byron Bay beach and around a couple of the Byron Bay Lakes.









Reflection Hunters Contest Round 30 run by - @annephilbrick

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