Entry for reflection contest 175 : Home items

Hello reflection hunters!

It's my first time here and I hope i am welcomed

I initially visited my friend two days ago, and I was privileged to look at some things, that was when I noticed the reflection of the chair in their dinning table was showing on the their tiles,so I took it upon myself to take a picture of it.

Now,I got home after a long day and I was looking for ways to find more reflection photos so I can share them with my reflection hunters her on hive.

I moved near the table in the center of our parlour and I realised it was showing reflections as it was made of glass. So what I did was place a flower on it to see what happens so I noticed there was a reflection and decided to share it as part of my entry for this week contest.

This also a reflection on of a plastic fruits that are used for decorations

Thanks for reading me.

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