Cazadores de Sombras/Concurso SMASh Ronda 257//Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest Round 257[ESP/ENG]

Hi. Happy afternoon to the members of [Shadowhunters](a) round 257 and to your participant.

Hello, Happy afternoon to the members of Shadowhunters and its participant.

Este día les traigo esta fotografía que me encontré en el camino. Ya que quise caminar un poco y tantas veces que había caminado por ahí, esa sobra no se me había cruzado en mi camino. En esta oportunidad la pude cantar. Es el portón principal de entrada y salida de los camiones que van a cargar en la embotelladora de agua mineral.

Today I bring you this picture that I found on the road. Since I wanted to walk a little and so many times I had walked there, this leftover had not crossed my path. This time I was able to see it. It is the main entrance and exit gate for the trucks that go to the mineral water bottling plant.


Gracias por visitar mi blog

La foto la tome con mi celular Motorola E-5


Thank you for visiting my blog

The photo was taken with my Motorola E-5 cell phone

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