Cazadores de Sombras Concurso SMASh-Ronda 327//Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 327[ESP/ENG]

Feliz tarde para toda la comunidad de Cazadores de Sombras. A mi amiga @melinda010100 y a los colaboradores a la comunidad para poder obtener los premios. Agradezco por escoger mi sombra entre tantas sombras hermosas. Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores.

Esta es una sombra grande que me conseguí en la vía. Íbamos a visitar a la suegra en Charallave. Y ya comenzando a rodar en el carro, mi esposo me dice, nos vamos por la carretera vieja, via San Diego, le dije, está bien y comenzamos a bajar. Esta es una calle con muchos árboles y muchas curvas, muy sola. Por eso pudimos pararnos a un lado, yo me bajé a tomar la fotografía para compartir. Esta sombra es de un árbol muy grande y altos, del lado derecho vemos un muro de piedra forrado de una planta que cuelga y también nos mostró la sombras que me quiso regalar.




Happy evening to all the Shadowhunters community. To my friend @melinda010100 and to the contributors to the community in order to get the prizes. I thank you for choosing my shadow among so many beautiful shadows. Congratulations to all the winners.

This is a large shadow I got myself on the track. We were going to visit the mother-in-law in Charallave. And already starting to roll in the car, my husband tells me, we are going down the old road, via San Diego, I told him, ok and we started to go down. This is a street with many trees and many curves, very lonely. That's why we were able to stop on one side, I got off to take the picture to share. This shadow is from a very big and tall tree, on the right side we see a stone wall lined with a plant that hangs and also showed us the shadows that he wanted to give me.




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