Show Me A Shadow-Round 299.

Hello everybody, happy Sunday and how are you doing this weekend, i know most of us are resting at home , visiting friends and families, went to church services, some are writing on this very topic or just doing One thing or the other, very good, weekends are majorly for all these and so many others,

This week we are told to present objects and their shadows, we are to present objects and their shadows, yes, here are some of the ones i captured with my Tecno phone, have a look at my quality job in this topic today ,

This jeep vehicle is my major submition to this contest.

There are other objects i have presented and many other things here like a big green basket for collection of clothes for washing in my house,
There are many other items and their shadows i captured with my Tecno phone by my very self, just enjoy the views.

My family wheelbarrow and it's shadow.

The plastic chair from my house and it's shadow.

This is a trunk of dry wood we have as a chair and it's shadow we use it for sitting down outside the house for leisures and to receive fresh air in the evening in my house,

Sunshine and sunlight is too much in my state also in my country, during the day, the heat of the sun gets to someone's nerves, making one feel hot and bad, you will just be sweating profusely, that was why we deviced a means of taking fresh air and leisure at home, we cut and carved out a dry trunk from a fallen tree, for sitting outside the house in the evening for refreshing ourselves, during the evenings, some members of my family comes out from the house, someone can sit it while others can as well sit on the plastic chairs just to receive fresh air, at this time we can decide to sip either fresh water or any other drink as we desire, that's how we make up and out from the stress of every day, that's why i mentioned earlier the words leisure and taking of fresh air, these are majorly the purposes for our having this wood trunk as a chair in my house.

These are a group of young men and their shadows as they were playing music with their local music instruments, rejoicing for the arrival of one prominent man and his wife who returned from the United States Of America,

The couple had been residing in the United States of America for many decades, the man and his wife are now medical personnels over there even their three sons are also medically inclind, they decided to come home this December period, the villagers set out a day to rejoice with them and to welcome them into the village after sojourning abroad for totally so many years, the villagers gathered, the youths out of joy of seeing their uncle and his wife began to play their local drums also in appreciation of many good works done single handedly by this couple, that is the reason for these youths, their music, their instruments they're playing and their shadows as you can actually see.
Shadows as we all know are the reflections of objects, every object has it's own shadows we also that every shadow is also the object.

Thank you very much for coming around my blog.
Hopefully you enjoyed my presentation.

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