Dreich-Weather Blues & The Mini Fan

It has been a dreary Sunday for us up here. Mr Sun hasn't shown up all day and it should not be a surprise since summer bade farewell last month and the wet season is upon us.

I would have been used to it by now but I'm not really a fan of wet and cold days. They affect temperament and what else. But then again, the weather is one thing that I have zero control over, so it doesn't make sense to be fretting about it. We just have to find ways to live through these times positively and creatively.

And so we spent most of our time indoors, just as any other day when we couldn't do anything outside. Besides, the hubby has flu (he caught the bug when he was away for a few days), so it was a perfect excuse to be a little lazy. Not that we haven't had enough lazy days during the week already, haha! Well, as someone said the other day, it's what weekends are for.

Hmmm... another excuse? It depends on how one sees it, !LOL!

Joke aside, not because it is a rainy day and we are cooped up inside our doors doesn't mean we cannot do something fun. And today's idea of fun included hunting shadows even in the absence of sunlight, thanks to the SMASh initiative in the Shadow Hunters Community for the inspiration.

The router tends to overheat when the day is so hot or when many devices are connected to it (7-10 at most). Starlink support recommended putting it on a well-ventilated area or using a fan so we bought a pink mini fan, its shadows I'm sharing today.

It was quite a challenge to take photos without having the phone included in the shadows, hence the close-up shots. For some reason, the shadows cast by the fan in the photos below remind me of a clock, specifically Big Ben.🕕 It was the first thing that came to mind on seeing these.😅

Anyway, this was just one of the fun stuff that I did today and the others will be a story for another day.

Thank you and I wish everyone a fantastic weekend wherever you may be. God Bless!

This is my participation in the Shadow Hunters Challenge, Round 322. Thanks for this initiative, Melinda. and company :)

All photos are my own. 19052024/21:26ph

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