“Reflection Hunters” Contest - Round 89 [EN // ES] Concurso “Cazadores de Reflejos” - Ronda 89

Greetings to all the Reflection Hunters.
In this 89th round of the contest, I present myself with the hunt for the reflections left by the torrential rains, which flood the ground leaving it dull and dirty. As a sample of what I am writing, you can only observe my photographs...

Apreciados saludos para todos los Cazadores de Reflejos.
En esta ronda 89 del concurso, me presento con la cacería de los reflejos dejados por las lluvias torrenciales, las cuales anegan todo el piso dejándolo deslucido y sucio. Para muestra de lo que les escribo, tan sólo pueden observar mis fotografías…

This is my entry to the "Reflection Hunters" contest:

Hunted reflection N° 1

Hunted reflection N° 2

Hunted reflection N° 3

Hunted reflection N° 4

Hunted reflection N° 5

If you wish to participate in this weekly contest, please read the RULES.

Shadow Hunters Community

Thanks for your interest in this publication !
And remember to always practice
the love of nature,
the Creator of the Universe
will reward you !

Essentially Rewarding

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Until the next reflections hunt…!

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