Shadow Photo /SMASh Contest - Round 321


Hello friends, wherever you are, I hope you are in good health and can carry out your daily routines as usual.
On this very beautiful occasion I want to entertain you all with some photography of the charm of the beauty of shadows.

Today I show the shadow of an old swing illuminated by sunlight and creating beautiful lines on the concrete floor.

Apart from the swing, I also immortalized the charm of the beauty of the parabolic antenna which was displayed next to my sister's house, sunlight from the west reflected shadows on the tiled floor of her house.

As I walked, I also captured my reflection on the tiled floor, apart from that, I also captured the image of the mango stem and the wilted papaya leaves.

As usual, below I have some shadow photography, I hope you will be entertained by some of the shadow photography that I show.





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Note: I am writing in Indonesian and using the help of Google translate to translate into English.

All gifts from this post will be burned and made into strength to support other hivers posts.

PhotographerSmartphone usedLocation
@guntingRealme C53Aceh Province. Indonesian Country.

Thank you for your visit.

Warm Greetings From


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