SMASh Contest Round 193 - The Lush Tree

How's your day going? May you always be healthy and get blessings from God from every second of your life. On this sunny and happy Tuesday, I would like to try participating in the 193rd round of the Shadow Hunter Contest held by @melinda010100. The object of the picture that I took and shared with friends is a shadow image of the shadow of the leaves of a tree planted near the small road leading to my uncle's house.


Apa kabar semuanya? Semoga kalian sehat selalu dan mendapat berkah dari Tuhan dari setiap detik dalam kehidupan kalian. Di hari Selasa yang cerah dan penuh kebahagian ini, saya ingin mencoba berpartisipasi dalam Kontes Pemburu Bayangan putaran yang ke 193 yang diadakan oleh @melinda010100. Objek gambar yang saya ambil dan bagikan dengan teman – teman adalah gambar bayangan dari bayangan dedaunan dari pohon yang ditanami di dekat jalan kecil menuju rumah paman saya.


From the end of the road to 400 meters to my uncle's house during the sunny day, it looks like a painting with quite an interesting motif on the road because of the many shadows of the trees on the road.

Dari ujung jalan hingga berjarak 400 meter ke rumah paman saya ketika siang hari seperti lukisan dengan motif yang cukup menarik di atas jalan karena banyaknya bayangan pohon yang ada di jalan tersebut.


I stopped for a moment to take a picture of the shadows which I found very “Eye Catching” to look at and give the effect of scenery on a country road.

Saya berhenti sejenak untuk mengambil gambar bayangan yang menurut saya sangat “Eye Catching” menarik ketika dipandang dan memberikan efek pemandangan di jalan pedesaan.

This type of tree is often planted in front of the house to provide a cool and comfortable effect in front of every citizen, especially in Indonesia which has two seasons, namely the dry season and the rainy season.

Pohon yang sering ditanami di depan rumah untuk memberikan efek sejuk dan nyaman di depan setiap warga, terutama di Indonesia yang memiliki dua musim yaitu musim kemarau dan musim hujan.

CameraOPPO Reno 5 5G
Edited bySnapsheed Application
CategoryShadow Photography

A mother with two children who are busy taking care of the household. I love the art world of photography, especially photos around where I live (Street Photography). Haven't been able to buy a DSLR or Mirrorless camera, just using a cellphone. I hope i can buy it soon. Knowing the world of crypto currency since three years ago from my husband.

“Light exalts everything. He transforms and glorifies the most commonplace and mundane subjects. Objects are nothing, light is everything." – Leonard Missone

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