CALVIN KLEIN~~~Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 220

Good day all, how's the hunting going? Since I joined this community it's funny how I now automatically search the frame of my camera for not only the subject of the photo, but I am always throwing my eyes all over it to check for shadows. As I sip my morning coffee sitting at the window seat of the new addition, I watch the sun rise and see shadows, they are even in my dreams, really, no kidding, Not.

Ok let's get down to business. I popped off a few pictures on Sunday morning, a glorious day with lots of bright sunshine and thought, now there's a great shadow.

These shadows landed on a custom table @thebigsweed built. The shadows landed on the legs of the table that were from a tree that was taken down on the homestead. The tree stump had two legs, the tree had divided years ago.

The color of the wood was the perfect background for the leafy shadow.


The shadows were created from two potted plants that were left on the deck for the winter, the heads of the corn flowers had been cut off months before.

I thought the detail in these shadows was exceptional, notice the curling leaves and blunt cut of the stalk.


Here's the masterpiece folks, a strange but beautiful work of wood art. I have always called it Calvin Klein as I pictured this table with the legs in Calvin Klein underwear (I prefer the longer legged ones, as opposed to briefs) 😁 πŸ˜‚ 🀣 😜and the table top covered with neatly arranged, by size, color and design, all the choices a gentleman could choose from.


A rare piece of furniture that catches the eye, then ignites the imagination. Let the shadows tell the rest to the story.


Nuff said!

Before I go grab a tissue to wipe my tears of laughter, let me thank my dear friend @melinda010100, our master hunter, @annephilbrick, the gal knows how to pick winners,@seckorama for his management skills and @ivycrafts, our creative banner maker.


love and laughter,

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