Entry for the Shadow Contest 298 - You and me

This is my travel companion and I on the Easter Island. The place is just outside the only town on the island, Hanga Roa. We had just arrived. The sun will soon set. We are by the coast and outside our bungalow that was going to be our home for the next 6 days.

This image is my entry to the Shadow contest held by @melinda010100. There is lots of prize rewards, check it out and join the contest here @melinda010100/shadow-hunters-smash-contest-round-f35a8a9c88744 😊

Please do follow if you want to keep up with my next photo shoot. Any upvotes or reblogs are hugely appreciated!

Latest photo shoot, check out :
PhotoFeed Contest - Wildlife Photography #40 : Reindeer on the plains of northern Norway


Kristiansand, Norway

All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

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