Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 140 Entry

My Entry

Hello friends and fellow Hivers. TGIF for me yesterday, but wait it wasn't Friday. Nope it was still TGIF, "Thank God I'm Fishing." I took these reflections first thing in the morning at approximately 8:00 a.m. This post is for the Reflections Hunter Contest, Round 140 hosted by @olgavita.

My journey for these reflections started at about 7:10 a.m. as I drove to a pond to get some fishing in. On the drive up I witnessed the sun rising 🌞 I didn't risk taking any pictures of it because I was cruising at a good speed on the interstate.

Once I arrived at the park I immediately seen the opportunity to take some reflections. It was chilly with the temperature around 45 degrees Fahrenheit with no winds. I'm glad I took the reflection photos when I did because it wasn't long after the winds picked up and the sun moved.

Three of the four trees were green in the first photo. The three are cone dropping trees that don't have leaves. I should of taken some pictures of cones but it slipped my mind. Now that I think of it, I have figured a use for them. I will get some soon there all around here.

The one with the leaves (far right) is Maple Tree. These leaves were everywhere including in the water near the shoreline. These leaves are of pretty good size. I'm glad I don't have a maple 🍁 tree planted in my yard. They will fill a lawn bag in no time. Below is one I grabbed from the ground and set on a picnic table. Now I got pretty good size hands.

I love looking at maple leafs especially since there not in my yard, haha. Well I took a picture but now I think I should have grabbed some other ones of different colors. Well we take and take but often think of missed opportunities once we start writing, haha.

The second photo is a wall of trees but the sun finds a way to sneak through them. There we have just enough sun light to reflect the wall of trees in the pond's water. If I remember right this was the first photo I took.

The third photo is just an overview of the pond. I pitched my lure plenty of times in the water that you see in this photo. The pond bends at the end of photo and has plenty more water to see and fish.

The 4th photo is of fish called a Bluegill. This was the only catch I had when the reflections were still there. I got a few more afterwards and didn't take many photos because they were not angler proud pictures, haha. Let me show you why I didnt leave with any fish.

Alright first fish is a Large Mouth Bass. Many anglers call these the money fish because they are sought after tournament anglers. A good 3 lb Bass puts up quite a good fight. This one felt like I might have snagged one of those maple leafs, haha. I decided to take a picture of it because little fish such as this one is a challenge to catch. Not for the fight but to be able to hook it in the first place. Have to be a good angler to accomplish that, believe me, haha?

The second photo is the mammoth of a blue gill I caught. Ok I'm exaggerating it's really a mid size one maybe 7 inches long. Well there you have it why I didn't leave with any. All fish were released to fight and grow bigger another day for a future angler to decide their fate.

I'm not at all disappointed I didn't do as well as the last time I went fishing. After all if I didn't go I would have been working and would not have given you some reflections to check out. I hope to go again before for Sunday. Next time a different place with different species of fish. Perhaps some reflections waiting to be caught as well. Cast a line and prepare to snap a picture never know what will be waiting when you see it 😁

Take care, be safe, and have a great weekend soon. Good luck to all in this competition. Until next time!

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