Flight line Shadows - Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh #334.

Hello Shadow Hunter's Community, friends and Hivians. I hope all of you are doing great today. Today I enter into the Shadow Hunter's SMASh Contest hosted by @melinda010100. Plenty of time to get your own entry into the contest. Just check out this post, Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest - ROUND 334 and be sure to read & follow the guidelines.

Yesterday I was doing my thing at work on the flight line awaiting on an inbound aircraft . I immediately noticed a lot of things casting shadows. I silently and cautiously pulled out my phone and took a few shots. I'm at work and we had quite a few helpers as we had a packed aircraft coming in with incoming cargo. Many don't mind if you take some photos but going overboard with it may lead to getting scolded. I never push the envelope with this😁

Here we have a semi tractor and trailer with some of the helpers. I really like this shadow as it not only cast a shadow of the vehicle but those that are chilling on it waiting for the aircraft to arrive. There were a total of three tractor trailers that were later filled up with cargo pallets.

What you see is a simple passenger van. Today I had the task of driving it. I brought out some load team members to the flight line and later used it to transport a few passengers that came in on the aircraft. I like how it not only cast a shadow but has some reflections on it. A double win, right? 😁

This piece of equipment is an 25K Aircraft loader. We have three aircraft loaders two like this one and another that is much larger. The bad news is the large one is out of service and the other 25K is being utilized for something else. So this one was used like an elevator to get 15 pallets off the aircraft. Another great shadow and I like how you can even see the open door being casted in it. BTW that is my boss but his back is to me and he is occupied on his phone like me, haha. So this is a rare photo because of those conditions.

Here we have an 10K All-Terrain (AT) forklift. This piece of equipment was used to take pallets off the aircraft loader and than was used to load them onto the flatbed trailers. We also had a standard 10K forklift that was used for the same purpose. A simple shadow of it along with some shadows of light carts.

After waiting nearly 40 minutes the aircraft has arrived. What we have here is the largest cargo aircraft in United States Air Force (USAF) inventory, a C-5 Super Galaxy. A pretty big piece of sheet metal, right? This aircraft brought in 15 pallets and 4 pieces of wheeled equipment. It also had a one of its own engines onboard on the cargo floor to bring to another C-5 that is broke awaiting it.

A thing of great size also casts a shadow of great size. I wish I would have gotten some shots up close to it because it was casting some really big and neat shadows. I would have had to be 50 or more feet in front of it to take those. I couldn't because it was time to get to work 😒 I tell you though I will probably catch many aircraft shadows towards the end of the month as we will have a big air show that will happen here, stay tuned 😁

Well we have come to an end of another post. I hope you enjoyed this shadow hunting adventure of mine. Time to visit some other shadow posts and see what they have captured.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy what's left of your weekend. Until next time!

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