The Dangers Of Illusions. #Reflection Hunters Contest Round 178

Deception can be sweet to the person playing the deception game but it has far damning consequences. This is the case in my beloved country, Nigeria. We have lived under the deceptions of politicians who believe in amassing wealth for themselves from the country’s resources without any feeling about the plight of the masses. Now, this deception is about to explode. What an illusion!

Nigeria is a country blessed with many resources. We have both natural and human resources. We are blessed with oil and other minerals. We have a large population of actively vibrant youths. We have a lot of educated people who are even using their knowledge and their wealth of experience to serve other countries. But even after evaluating my country in the reality of all these resources, we are worse than the poorest nation. Is that not an illusion?

We have been fed with empty promises by the political and ruling class. A whole lot of our years from independence, the military had looted us with utmost rascality. They recked us to severe bleeding. My country bleeded woefully then.
We taught that the light had come when the democratic government began. We knew not that we would rather be bleeding blood then. A few greedy kindsmen have destroyed our fatherland with corruption. In deep illusion we have been led.

Now the bubbles is about to burst. There is a dreaded revolution looming. Everywhere in Nigeria now we are afraid of what will be the possible outcome of the nationwide protest we are hearing about. The soul of my country is threatened due to the deceptions and illusion we have been buried all these years. Danger looms, it is the danger of the illusion Nigeria as a country has been trailing all these years.

Just like the unclear image from a false reflector, there has been a wrong and deceptive image presented to the Nigerian youths. We are tired of illusions; we want to see clearly. Pray for my country, Nigeria if you love us.

Thank you for reading my blog

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