My entry reflection contest round 103

Wow, I'm very excited today to be able to start another blog post here, hello fellow community #shadowhunters and #reflections, this is a special post from me today and of course I'm happy to be able to continue to contribute to this reflection contest. thanks to the beloved host @olgavita for hosting the reflection contest and I am also very, very grateful to those who have founded this community, and it is @annephilbrick who created this contest. Thank you very much to @sekkorama for faithfully managing the @hive-179017 account with great care and working hard for the community. and of course I am also very, very grateful to @ecency for the support and prize contributions in every weekly contest round. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and this beloved community @hive-179017 .

Today I will contribute again to the contest, and here is my round 103 entry :



The following is a reflection image which in my opinion is very beautiful, yes this afternoon when I was visiting or was at the village government office, because there were some needs, I noticed the office floor reflected a beautiful image, yes, that is the reflection produced by the light at the entrance to the office , you can see there the reflection image from the golden dome of the mosque makes the picture look even more beautiful. the morning sun shining through the office entrance illuminates the tiled floor and reflects off the reflected image which made me rush to take a picture and capture it with my smartphone camera, the resulting image I think is very beautiful for me to enter this week's contest entry.

Yep, friends, that's all for today's blog post, friends, I hope you like it and thank you for visiting my blog post. see you in the next post with another beautiful reflection image.

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