Reflections of the children's fairs during Oviedo's festivities. Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 84

Hi friends, one more week I join the challenge to participate in the reflex hunting contest organized by @olgavita within the #shadowhunters community.

During this week the festivities of San Mateo have been celebrated in the city of Oviedo, which is the city where I live. During this week there have been a multitude of cultural and musical activities, parades with parades and floats, etc.

As in any festival, there is always an area of the city reserved for the installation of fair attractions such as bumper cars, merry-go-rounds, trampolines and bouncy castles.

On this occasion, the area of Oviedo where the fairground attractions were installed was the outdoor parking lot of a large shopping center in the city which is about 2 kilometers from the apartment where I live in Oviedo. On Wednesday September 21, the most important day of the festivities, I went to this area with the intention of taking some pictures for a post. After taking the pictures, when I was returning to the street that allowed me to return home, I noticed that the windows of the public library that is next to the parking lot was giving me the chance to catch the following two pictures where you can see one of the bouncy castles of the fair and also the people who were in the vicinity of the fair.

Photograph submitted to the contest

After taking these pictures, I returned to my apartment taking more pictures of shadows and reflections that I could hunt throughout the city and that I will be sharing in the coming weeks.

Best regards.

Cover created with (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with (free version).

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