In the absence of shadows due to rain good are reflections. (Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 89)

Hi Hivers friends, one more day I'm in front of the computer writing my weekly post for the participation in the photo contest organized by @olgavita from the wonderful #shadowhunters community.

Link to Reflection Hunters Contest Round 89

I want to take advantage of my participation in the contest to also congratulate the other winners of the previous round and also the honorable mentions for their splendid participations. Every week we see that the level is higher.

For those of you who have read my entry for the shadow hunting contest of this community, yesterday was a gray and rainy day in the town where my mother lives, which is where I am spending the weekend. The gray and rainy days of autumn cause me a low mood, as it becomes a drag to go out for a walk in the woods or on the beach and this causes that my weekend is not fully complete, despite being able to share good times with family and friends. Additionally, shadow hunting with the gray days becomes more complex as I only get a few faint shadows that I don't think are worthy of being submitted for the contest organized by @melinda010100.

However, late yesterday afternoon the rain stopped and I was able to take a walk of about 3 kilometers along the roads that lead to each of the houses in the small village where my mother lives. Due to the fact that the asphalt in some sections is not quite right, on rainy days puddles are formed and some of them form curious reflections that I share with you below. Of the three photos I took of one of the puddles, I have selected the photo where I could capture the reflection of a cloud and a lamppost. The other photographs were taken in the same pond with other perspectives. In one of them a hedge of bushes is reflected and in the other photograph a cloud and the hedge of bushes.

Photograph submitted to the contest

Happy to be able to take these photos and see the result on the computer screen, I came to the conclusion that in the absence of shadows good are the reflections and, therefore, rainy days will be less gray for me from now on.

Best regards to all the #shadowhunters community.

Cover created with (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone SE.

Translated with (free version).

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