Shadow Hunters Contest Round 193rd - The Museum Window Shadows

Good afternoon guys! It's nice to meet you in this cool community. My prayers for all community members to always get blessings from God. This is my entry for the Reflection Hunter Contest hosted by @melinda010100 Round 193rd. The place where I took this picture is the Jakarta History Museum or commonly called Fatahillah Museum located in West Jakarta with an area of more than 1,300 square meters.


Selamat sore teman – teman !It’s Nice to Meet You kalian di komunitas keren ini. Doa saya untuk semua anggota komunitas agar selalu mendapatkan berkah dari Tuhan. Ini adalah entri saya untuk Kontes Pemburu Refleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh @annephilbrick putaran 39. Objek gambar kali ini adalah Museum Sejarah Jakarta atau biasa disebut Museum Fatahillah terletak di Jakarta Barat memiliki luas lebih dari 1.300 meter persegi.


This building is a relic of the Dutch colonial era. In ancient times, this museum was a town hall that had offices, courtrooms, and a dungeon.

Bangunan ini merupakan peninggalan zaman pemerintahan Belanda. Pada zaman dulu, museum ini adalah sebuah balai kota yang memiliki kantor, ruang pengadilan, dan penjara bawah tanah.


Now, this place has become a museum that contains relics and can see the history of the city of Batavia before it turned into Jakarta. This place is also one of the local and foreign tourist destinations.

Sekarang, tempat ini menjadi museum yang berisi benda-benda peninggalan dan dapat melihat sejarah kota Batavia sebelum berubah menjadi Jakarta. Tempat ini juga salah satu destinasi turis lokal maupun mancanegara.
Even though the building is old, this building still stands strong because it has a solid building construction and of course has a high historical value.
Meskipun bangunan sudah tua akan tetapi Ini bangunan ini masih berdiri kokoh karena memiliki kontruksi bangunan yang kokoh dan tentunya memiliki nilai sejarah yang tinggi.


CameraOppo Reno 10X Zoom
CategoryShadow Photography
Editing AppsSnapsheed

"A photo can be a symbol to release longing for someone while creating deep hatred for someone." – Galih“A portrait is not made through a camera, but from two sides.” – Edward S

I'm a content writer at LineHoster. Specializing in Web Hosting and blogspot. I am eager to help people uplevel their bussiness on the internet. Apart from being a tech junkie, i like fiction and photography.

Thank you for this upvoting, commenting, and reblogging my post on this platform and thank you Hivers for being such an important part of my life.

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