SMASh Round 269: The Leaf

my photo entry
2nd photo
3rd photo

Good evening, amazing people, and hello to the Shadow Hunters community!

I hope it is not too late to enter this week's round 269 of @melinda010100's "Show Me a Shadow" photo competition.

Well, it rained so hard yesterday here that my backyard is a mess. I had to clean the entire yard and remove the tree branches and leaves that had fallen. I noticed that the leaves of my hibiscus plant had been attacked by tiny little villains. The leaves were almost all damaged.

When the sun shone on one of the leaves, its shadow appeared, and I was about to toss it in the trash. I tried taking pictures a little closer, and so far, I'm okay with the results. This is my entry for the current week's challenge. Thank you for reading.

I will get back sometime tomorrow. It's bedtime for me, and I can't stay up any longer. Goodnight all.

⊱ღ One love ⊱ღ

May 18, 2023, 10:30 p.m. PST
In between the farm and the beach

(All texts, photos, and videos are my own and were taken by me unless stated otherwise; Please DO NOT Copy)

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