Fly. Fly shadow

Hello friends.

I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.

This is my application for the contest Shadow Hunters Contest Round 177 from @melinda010100

I was standing with my camera not far from a small garbage heap. This garbage pile was formed due to the repair of the roof of an old five-story building, which was built during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev. People call these houses that way - "Khrushchevka".
2 butterflies were flying over this garbage. And I was waiting for them to sit down and spread their wings. Then I would have photographed them. But they didn't want to sit. And then why do they fly here?

What's it? Bang and a fly landed on an old iron sheet. Hooray.

I just decided to take a picture of a fly. She sat, rubbed her paws and did not want to fly away. Fine. We continue the photo session.
And at some point I realized - there is a beautiful shadow from a fly!


The shadow of the fly's body itself is understandable. But here is a more interesting point - the shadow of the wings. It would seem - what are these wings there? a trifle. But the sunlight passing through the wings loses its power and a shadow is formed. Not as strong and dark as from the body itself, but still it is there.
And at the same time, the sunlight is reflected from the wings. Why did I think about mica? The wings reminded me of mica.


Can you see the hairs on the fly's body? I've never noticed them before. I thought the fly's body was smooth.
I would still like to look into the eyes of this fly, but the fly did not want it.
The fly first turned away from me, and then flew away on its urgent business. Maybe her friends called her that they were sitting down for lunch and everyone was waiting for her.
And I also saw the surprised faces of passers-by, who were wondering - what did I find in this garbage pile?
If they had known that I was watching a fly, then probably many of them would have thought that I was crazy.
Only a madman can watch an ordinary fly like that and take pictures of it.
I also want to catch a dragonfly on the camera. I haven't seen these dwarf flying dragons for a long time.
And the butterflies never landed. They flew away to a small clearing with flowers. This is not even a clearing, but uncut grass and flowers near the house.
I didn't hunt for them anymore.

What kind of trick would I come up with at the end of the text? Like my commitment to the community of shadow lovers @hive-179017, bird lovers @hive-106444, mushroom lovers @hive-166168? Is it possible to use banners of these communities?

I add my beloved @hive-166168 community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.

I add my beloved @archon community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.

I wish you all a successful hunt for shadow and reflection

I wish everyone happiness for life and good luck for every day.

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