#reflectionhunter round #123/ My Entry


Hello Hive friends!🤗🤗

The other day, it rained so hard overnight. When I woke up the following day it created some paddles leaving water in some of the uneven surfaces on our walkways. I forgot something in our car so I went outside to our garage. Then I happen to see this reflection of the window from my brother-in-law's house on the paddle. Of course, so took some snaps another opportunity to be able to have my entry for this week.
This is what I love about being a part of this platform, like this community @reflectionhunter hosted by @olgavita. I became more aware of my surroundings, trying to be more appreciative in what is around me. Probably if I am not a hiver, I won't give time to snap some photos of the reflections that I have and will come upon but you see any experiences be it a small or big detail is truly one way of expressing my gratitude towards everything around me.
Seeing reflections just makes me so happy that I am alive, to be able to see, to have the gift of sight where a lot of people don't have. Some get to be born without any sight and others die without even seeing their own faces, bodies, parents, families, their pets, friends, surroundings which is kinda sad. So for me, I value everything I see and also hear,touch,feel, smell all my five senses are working perfectly.
My heart is really swelling with gratitude.

How about you, do you oftentimes or even sometimes have that realizations? That you are so blessed and lucky.


Then, I looked outside our gate, I saw again an opportunity, I saw the reflection of our gate, the steel iron welded, fabricated, put up by my husband was on the water paddle.



This is my entry for this week. Let us all remember to create ripples of love, joy and kindness wherever we may go and be.

Let's always celebrate life. For we only get to live once. Strive to be happy always, no matter what the tides of life may bring you.

You are loved ♥️😇

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