Review of Barsanti Square



For those of us who lived part of our childhood in the city of Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state - Venezuela, we have the beautiful memory of the Plaza De Los Tubos, as a very colorful place that allowed the recreation of the citizens and especially the children, who were drawn to the design of this plaza, which from my point of view is unique in Venezuela, or at least I have not seen another one like it, because normally the plazas in this country obey a colonial design or in some cases a little more modern.

This plaza, which is actually called Plaza Barsanti, is located in the Alta Vista area of ​​the city of Puerto Ordaz, and was also part of a series of constructions during the boom of the city in the 60s, specifically this building was built in 1968, under the coordination of the Italian engineer Benvenuto Barsanti and with the participation of the architect Di Loretto, who was in charge of making the design of the plaza.



It extends over an area of ​​330 m2, where you can see installations of staple-shaped tubes, cylindrical ornaments, between walkways and catwalks, as well as the distinction of colors that allude to chromatism, with an environment that also beautifies part of the nature of the same place, it is undoubtedly a place that generates a lot of harmony between its elements.

However, there was a time when this square was totally abandoned, becoming a space for criminal acts or even a place where homeless people were housed, therefore this square had lost its appeal as an architectural heritage due to the lack of interest of the relevant authorities in being able to recover this space. Although a few days ago the city mayor's office reopened the square after so many years, thus achieving its recovery and recreating that charm as it used to be in my childhood years.



This plaza was conceived as a project that had the objective, apart from decorating or beautifying the city, of creating training spaces for citizens or even tourists. Years ago it was a point for the realization of cultural events or for the contribution of local artists in the exhibition of their arts. Now I hope that this same legacy can be maintained and that of course we all contribute to its care.

Because there are few spaces like this that exist in the city, since this metropolis has been characterized by being more industrial or has been more concerned about urbanizing, making industries or businesses, without taking into account the importance of making more spaces that support culture such as museums, recreational plazas or parks, because not everything in a city is about building large works of concrete and metal, but also creating those scenarios where the inhabitants can have contact in part with architecture, art and culture in general, important for the formation and distraction of all citizens of any city or town in the world.



All photographs are my own.

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