Derinkuyu, Pilgrimage An Underground House in Uchisar, Turkey

Derinkuyu, An Underground House

There is an special reason why Turkey trip can not be slip in my mind. First, it was my first trip abroad, second we were shown a lot of history about Turkey. One of that is Derinkuyu.

Derinkuyu is an underground house who has many history in it. Derinkuyu is located at Uchisar, near to Cappadocia. There are many underground house in those area. One of that is we were visited. Derinkuyu is like cave but it is not cave, it is literally a house.

Let's get it!

There was still snow covering the street when we were arrived there. Due winter is almost end, we still can see snow in the edge of roads. But that snow has hardened so it can not be played, also can not be stepped on cause you will be slip there. To be honest, It was my first time met snow due several place in Turkey there in no snow. Even though it was hardened snow, I still thrilled.

An Underground house that we were visited located in Uchisar, it is about 1 hours from Uchisar castle. At that time, weather was very clear at 7 o'clock and it was about 7 degree. Yup, it still cold there. The underground house is first place that we were visited before Cappadocia. Our tour guide guiding me very fast cause we were in rush to step next place.

In the front of the house there is a cart with a big jar. Judging from those condition, I thought that cart was works for one of their vehicle in the past.

Still in the yard, there is a mini tree which called, a hope tree. As you can see, how many the blue thing hanging there. Our tour guide said that the ornament can expels evil auras and brings the good luck.

  • Kitchen

When we stepped in out journey in that house, we faced the kitchen. Yup, the first part of those house was a kitchen. How many activity about make a food have done there.

There is such a traditional stove. Our tour guide explained that the peoples who lived in make an underground stove and cooked there. It was like immersed a pot of food cause their soil kinda hot.

This is their tools to cook.

  • The Tunel

Moving forward to Kitchen, we entry the tunel. It took us to another room, such a living room in traditional term. Our tour guide said in one underground house will held several family, that is why each underground house looks big.

Let us see how their toilets are.

  • Bathroom

This is It is their bathroom and toilet.

Due lots of peoples lived there, there are many pot to defecate. It looks so traditional, in it?

There is dark story about this underground house. That, in the past this house also used to jail for peoples ( which I can not remember why did they were been in jail).

this is their kinda pool. On that pool will be kind of fish to them.

  • Winery

In this place, they were made kinda wine or anything else that they could made of.

This underground house is fascinating! In limited era, they could built a house to lots peoples. I can not imagined what if I lived there. But I have to praise the architect of those underground houses. It was awesome to have that as a part of history.

  • A Place to Relax

Those house is also has a place to family time and relax.

Uchisar is one of wonderful city in Turkey that tourist can not skip if visit it. Peoples who is like history and pilgrimage, I recommend this trip cause this trip will take you to the many historical sites.


Vivie Hardika

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author.

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