House of the great poet Ramos Sucre


That in war the victory is not by the crowd of horses, but by the strength that comes from heaven

1 Maccabees 3

Hello architecture and design loving community. Nice to greet you and wish you a happy and blessed start of the week. On this occasion I share with you a building known as the Ramos Sucre house. It is noteworthy that in this house lived José Antonio Ramos Sucre, the great poet of the literary history of Venezuela. This house is located in the historic center of the city of Cumaná, Venezuela.




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The house of Ramos Sucre is about 180 years old, this young poet lived in it until he was 9 years old, then he went to the city of Carupano, where he finished part of his studies, then returned to the city of Cumaná, with 15 years old he finished high school at the Antonio José de Sucre high school and then moved to the city of Caracas where he finished his university studies.
The house has been remodeled on several occasions but maintaining the original design, it is worth mentioning that the wooden columns have been repaired and the floor of the entrance is the only one that is preserved in its original form the other with small arrangements but maintaining part or a large percentage of what was the original design. The bed, the table are original from the time when the poet lived in this house according to information provided by the guide of the place.





The Ramos Sucre house has a white and pale yellow main facade. In addition, it has a tall wooden door with two rectangle-shaped wings at the front entrance. As I have explained in previous posts the houses located in that area used the high doors because sometimes visitors brought horses.
It also has two main wrought iron grilles in the shape of a square with two wooden windows. The railings are white

It should be noted that the internal doors and windows of the Ramos Sucre house are made of wood and are very well preserved and polished. They have a rectangular shape but with a semiarch at the top.




In the hallway of this house there are several shelves with literary works written by this great poet from Sucre. Also on the wall there is a space with several portraits of the genealogical album of this poet.
It is a house that in spite of having been built many years ago is very well preserved.








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In the main living room there is a set of wooden furniture and a rectangular wooden table with a colonial style. Also, in another area of the house there is wooden furniture with a different design and a round table. In the poet's room there is a wooden chest of drawers with several compartments and a chair that caught my attention because of its peculiar design. The roof of the Casa Ramos Sucre is made of cane with wooden columns.






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Visiting the house of the great poet from Sucre was a great experience, who motivates us through his writings to immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of literature, a universe full of light and hope.

Until the next tour

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                  All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

             Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.
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