Admire the garden design on the rooftop of PLAZA Milineum Medan.

In this case, there are actually a lot of beautiful rooftops in the city of Medan. The rooftop that I'm showing doesn't have any plus points compared to other rooftops which are currently very viral, creating cafes on top of ROFFTOP. However, have you ever seen from zero when the rooftop had not become anything or still did not have any value. We are only used to seeing the end result without having to bother looking at the process so that something ends up being very sweet and valuable, so that people will be amazed to see the finished product.

This case is what happened at ROOFTOP Plaza MIlenium. Initially, there was only a prayer room on top of the Millennium Plaza for Muslims who wanted to carry out their worship, there was nothing, but in the last year it turns out that there have been many changes on this rooftop, and I will review the changes one by one. Even though I don't have 'before' and 'after' photos, that's okay, I'm just enthusiastic to share with all of you this exciting news.

The floor that I was standing on was just a floor without any design, but I can see that now they have tried to change the floor a little by making a design as if on the roof there will be a helicopter that will land there, quite a good effort. , then in the middle of the circle the words Kampung Millennium Agropark are written. And it turns out that this writing is not just a figment of the imagination or just writing. Because I can see around me they are trying a little to make this happen even though it doesn't look perfect, for example a vine that has started to propagate, maybe in the next 3 months this vine will become more lush. The vine is linked to a tree that has been bongsaied between one tree to the next, and I don't know what kind of flower or plant it is, and can you tell me what kind of plant is in those big pots? I'm really looking forward to your answer because I really don't understand this at all.

then I also saw several flower plants that had just been planted, which I estimated would probably only last a month or so, and these were deliberately planted in rows and will look beautiful in the next few months and I'm sure of that. Not far from the arranged flowers, they deliberately placed a ship's rudder which makes the garden come alive and have meaning, because the presence of the ship's rudder seems to be iconic in the garden which is not yet 100 percent complete.

And in another corner of the park, they also made a photo spot which was quite simple by making a sign saying welcome to the millennium agropark village as you can see above my head. I think they can be more creative in determining the welcome design so that it can make an attractive photo spot for visitors on the roof top.

And finally, it's not just the park that can be seen, the view in the afternoon when the sun goes down also improves my mood, and so does my pocket. Because to be able to enjoy all this I don't need to spend a single penny. So I can linger here while waiting for the screening of a cinema film for which I have bought tickets.

That's all for my post, thank you for reading my writing. May we all be happy and best regards from Tomi diwirja, Indonesia

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