A magical portal

If you follow my content here in this community, by now you've realized that I'm completely passionate about interior design. I think the purpose of decorating is much more than purely aesthetic. Decorating is also about bringing coziness and comfort, if only to our eyes. Being in an environment where the decoration embraces you makes you want to stay there, it heightens the feeling of well-being, which is what we all seek in the spaces we spend most of our lives in.

That's why, for me, decoration has to be more than fads and those inspired by magazine covers or store showrooms. For me, decoration has to make sense and reflect my identity.

You also already know that I love giving new meaning to things that were going to end up in the trash, or even that were already there. I like to give a second chance to absolutely everything I come across that is still in minimal condition.

That's why I often go to second-hand furniture stores, thrift stores and online to find decorative items. I think it's a way of consuming consciously and making my home cozy and beautiful while spending very little.

One of my latest finds was this bamboo curtain. This item used to be very popular in Brazilian homes in the 70s and then again in the 90s. But, like everything else, it ended up falling into disuse and becoming a bit tacky. I understand the cycle of fads, I understand that people get tired of certain aesthetics, but for me, this curtain has always been closely linked to the good memories of my childhood.

I remember having one like this at my parents' friend's house. A house I used to go to, although I didn't know exactly whose house it was, as I was very young. But I'm sure I liked to play with this curtain, passing it back and forth with my brother, just to hear the sounds of one bamboo touching the other. At the time, I found the noise amusing. Later, I found the sound relaxing.





Well, when I came across this curtain at a church bazaar, I couldn't leave it behind (especially because it cost the equivalent of 5 dollars !!! and in traditional stores it usually costs a lot more than that). As well as immediately reviving childhood memories, it also seemed like a find that I had already predicted I would find one day.

A few years ago I had a very, very realistic dream (to the point where I still remember all the details) in which I was in an apartment with a vintage aesthetic, with old tiles, yellowish light and there was a curtain identical to this one in one of the corridors.

The dream was so good, but so good that when I saw the curtain I was immediately teleported back into it. And I wanted to have that curtain with me so that it would be a powerful symbol to remind me of the possibilities. That's because that was the message the dream left me with... that one of the most magical things in life is possibilities.

Well, I'm rambling on and on, because this decorating theme does this to my head and I can't stop. But this whole story is to say that the bamboo curtain came to my house and now inhabits the passage from the kitchen - with the old tiles similar to those in the dream - to the intimate area of the house.

I love the idea of the portal that the curtain gave to the entrance door. I thought it was beautiful and very cozy.



I still think the colors matched perfectly and I even created a "hippie aunt from the 70s" vibe, kind of unintentionally. The flowers on the door frame had already been there for a few months and I painted them to use the paints I had at home and, of course, to give it that portal feel. I think everything turned out very harmoniously.



And finally, as I live with four pets, I also tend to leave the curtain tied up at times, so that they don't drag it with them when they run past to play or bark at some noise in the yard.
To make the binding, I used the remnants of a scrap that had been a curtain in the past and was recently repurposed as a cushion cover.

I love looking at this corner every day.
I hope you enjoyed it.
see ya next.

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