My personal office space- Productive spaces.

Workstations are the ones where most of the people spend most of their time of life in. We love to decorate our homes and now due to ongoing pandemic most of the people have shifted to their home for work purposes also. Maintaining a lively atmosphere is a need now.

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Starting with my little work station at home, I haven't done much of decorations to it, it's very basic. This used to be a space for my drafting table rill 2nd year of college after that my pc took over and table got shifted just besides it.
Since the D. table was folded so I didn't included it in the picture. There's a huge window behind the curtains and that shows my street, I have closed and curtained it because of the ongoing road construction work.
For so long I was thinking of changing things and bringing in some aesthetics but laziness overpowers me here.
But I have certain thoughts in mind for this space-

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Cutting the clutter

This picture stricked me the most, it's not hard to recreate such space for my home workstation. The minimal stuff is very very very easy to maintain, clean and is aesthetically appealing.

Materials- Basic wooden table with few drawers works best as in order to maintain stuff, I need set of drawers. As far as this picture depicts, the electronic items are almost similar to mine. A laptop, monitor and CPU system. The chair seems very comfy though.

Colour Scheme- I really liked the titanium white walls with sleek dark brown table with beechwood table top.

Vibe- I know this isn't a proper criteria but the most productivity come out when you match the vibe of the space. A simple wall art can do wonders, it did that here, the pastel frame , light walls and dark table is giving me very soothing vibe, I could work all day here.

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Dominating bossy Vibe

At present my room is very pink and few of soft toys share the space with me but I am dying to have this kind of space to work in. It's somehow masculine (please don't get offended, it's a very free comment) Weirdly I love black and pastel colours a lot. So am obsessed with this workspace.

Materials- The chocolate brown cushiony chair with rotating wheel base is the best feature in this picture. Even the handrest is cushiony, how comfortable will be working here. I am not a good fan of the table here as it had none drawer, I always need few of them the beechwood is very in. The white wall shelves does it all. It's very functional.

Color Scheme As my weird obsession to the pastel colours and black at the same time. Bought me in a dilemma of choosing which one. So this space owe dark colour scheme with beechwood table as cherry on top.

Vibe- As I already mentioned this gives me some very dominating vibe, with addition of a detail drawing in the frame bring in so much of work oriented productivity. That's what I loved about this space.

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Artistic space

I love doing art and creative stuff. During initial semesters in college I used to work on the drafting table with parallel bar and set square but later everything turned digitally oriented. I would love to have this space at home.

Materials- Drafting table and a basic table. I have both and they are best for art and drafting work(Which I rarely get now) The moodboard kind of situation on wall is very artistic and leaning towards creative side. The lamp placement is very cool but not practical.

Colour scheme- The white- brown scheme is very typical and pleasing to eyes. I like it. The white pops up the dark mood board on the wall and makes space look massive.

Vibe- This artistic space screams creative vibe. I would love to have such space at home. The natural lighting and the light walls with all dark furniture is such a productive vibe.

Lighting- Here I would like to add a point on lighting as well, since my space have a window so natural lighting is abundant but artificial lighting in enclosed space differs depending on what room it is. It is preferred to have abundant of lighting in work space as looking at screen effects our eye sight. Be it dark or light colour scheme, lighting should be bright anyways. As a matter of fact, table lamps are not good for eyes so a led or fluorescent tubelight or bulbs could be ideal. which cool lighting and not warm.

I would like to end with this picture, Never stop your hustle! Keep working and inspiring yourself to be your best version!

The links to the pictures are duly mentioned beneath them.
There's an interesting contest by Architecture+Design community which might tickle your creative instincts.

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