Tower Jubileum GBKP : Control Center of the Church of Santa Maria Kaban Jahe, North Sumatra

Good evening everyone are you ready to accept the beautiful and classic buildings in my amazing area? what I will discuss is a control tower for disseminating information in the Church of Santa Maria which is next to the Tower. However, I did not manage to capture the church building beside the tower because the gate of the church building was locked from the outside and although the tower is still in the same area as the Santa Maria church, this building has a different fence that serves as a barrier. Maybe this is meant so that people don't come to the church and disturb the congregation who are worshiping.

This tower is not very tall like a lighthouse, and I estimate the height of this tower is only about 15 meters or 20 meters. Uniquely, this tower building is designed unlike most lighthouse buildings that I have encountered with a simple and nationalist design, there is no regional or local culture smell, but this tower, although very simple and not too high, has a regional design so that it has its own uniqueness.

If you look at the building, this building consists of 5 floors and it's a shame we couldn't enter this building because it was a holiday and the building was locked. However, I will tell you the details of the building outside this tower. On the first floor we will find 2 doors that function as entrances and exits, then there are 6 support poles that are painted in cream color, on the roof of the 1st floor it is beautified with a PVC design that rotates and has a soft brown color. The choice of PVC ceilings is very popular today in Indonesia because of the very diverse patterns with beautiful designs, we just have to choose the pattern we want, then there are some who mix and match several PvC patterns into one to make it seem much more attractive like my terrace. which I have discussed before.

And when viewed from the second floor there is nothing interesting that I see, because it is not much different from the one on the first floor where there are only pillars and entrances and exits, but there is an addition of iron barrier on the third floor which is clear made of iron. And when we look at the roof on the 2nd floor, we can see the difference where on the outer roof it has begun to look regional characteristics here,, we will see the number 125 plastered on it and a little ornamentation to the area with a Batak nuance, I myself don't understand the number 125 has what meaning. And maybe this tower is also used as a meeting hall. And the top ornament of this tower is what I really like because there is a unique blend of traditional Batak with modern designs here so that this tower does not look ancient.

In the courtyard of the tower we will also see a very interesting outdoor design where we will see the shape of the garden which has just been repaired and I am sure it will be very beautiful after the next few months. These gardens are shaped with stones and beautified by using ceramics with stone designs so that they seem natural. In this park we can also see folding chairs and wooden tables like those in a cafe with a distinctive classic wooden design, of course. visitors like me will comfortably sit here, even though I have religious differences with those who are here.

In this tower area there is also a library that is open to the public and from any religion, but will be closed when holidays arrive. The design of this library also carries the same theme as the existing tower, this can be seen from the roof of the building which also carries a modern traditional theme and of course still with the traditional Batak theme in it.

Actually there are still many things that need to be discussed, but my limitations in assessing a building's architecture are still very far below yours? So I want advice from you guys if you want more information about this building, and continue to follow our next post, greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia

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