Loken Barn cafe

Duplicating is the easiest way to see, developing something according to existing trends, sometimes it doesn't matter how we duplicate other people's work can be detrimental to the original maker or not, the important thing is an advantage that is easily obtained without having to bother thinking and looking for creative ideas that sometimes take a very long time to be able to create something of value. And that's what I see from the building that I'm going to share, because it seems that in the area I visited there are various buildings that have almost the same type of architecture. I don't understand who started it first, but apart from all that, what is clear is that a concept like this is currently very viral in my province, namely the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia.

In the past few years I have explored many beautiful places and tourist objects, starting from cafes and natural attractions, be it forests, lakes or waterfalls in my province. And of all the places I visited, more than 50% of them carried a lot of various architectures with concepts found in European countries such as windmills and so on, and all of them were successful in attracting visitors to come to their places. Likewise with the concept contained in Café Loken Barn which is located in the area near Lake Toba. they also apply the concept of Architecture with the direction of European Countries.

This Loken Barn Café is located at the Loken Barn Resort Tourist attraction in North Sumatra Province, with an architecture that carries a semi-European building style, Loken Barn Café has succeeded in bringing in many customers with a building that has red paint which has a combination of white and a building style like me currently visiting the Netherlands. This cafe is also supported by a very interesting tourist attraction, namely the very beautiful view of Lake Toba.

Before I invite you to see the concept of the building inside the Café, I will invite you to see the architecture outside the building. Having the added value of stunning natural scenery makes Café Loken Bern also not waste the golden spoon that is already in their hands. With a little polish, the manager made simple benches face to face and made of wood with white paint and placed them in a position facing the view of Lake Toba. Visitors who come to this Café can enjoy the ordered menu while enjoying the view. that was in front of them. The mountain breeze coupled with the cold air and good views make this Café really worth a visit.

The front cover of this Bern locket seems ordinary but has quite a firm and classy meaning with large and transparent glass windows so that we can see the people in this café. beside the Café, inside the Café Building, rows of visitor chairs still carry the theme of relaxing which is always visited by many people, entering the interior of the Café, it turns out that this Café has a very simple impression, only relying on the many small chandeliers and a few relaxing table for visitors. there isn't much that we can discuss while in the Café, it turns out they deepen their architecture on the outside of the café, the building of this café turns out to be built not from 100 percent bricks, but they also use asbestos boards with motifs . The architecture that works in my opinion.

Alright, this is what I can talk about first. Keep following our posts and greetings from us Tomi and Maya from the city of BInjai Indonesia

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