A visit to the majestic Capitol of Habana (Part I)

There are places that provoke me to look at them with respect from a distance, places that seem somewhat unreachable. Many of these places are not in my country and, I suppose that for the time being they will remain unreachable. But there is one that is accessible, I am referring to the National Capitol of Cuba, which is the subject of my publication today.


The Capitol is a grandiose building, a symbol of my country, and what I should feel besides admiration is belonging. Since it was restored, I have only heard stories about its beauty, which motivated me to do what I should have done a long time ago, visit it, of course!



In today's post I want to describe the exteriors and the main entrance of this National Monument. Due to the great extension of the place, I think it is necessary to divide the publications in several parts to try to cover as many details as possible in each one of them.

The visits to the Capitol are made with previous reservation with the accompaniment of a specialist guide. One of the requirements is not to be separated from the guide, since the Capitol currently houses the headquarters of the National Assembly of Cuba, and there are places to which access is forbidden. On the day of our visit the National Assembly was in session.



The guide is in charge of showing us its halls and rooms and telling us the impressive history of this place that, in the last century, housed the Senate and the House of Representatives of Cuba. Thanks to this, I was able to learn many interesting facts, such as that the projects and construction were carried out under four different presidential mandates, which caused that on several occasions the construction plans were changed or that the planned budget was not enough, causing delays in the delivery of the works. Construction was even halted for several years due to economic problems in the country, and a different project for an amusement park was even started on the land destined for its construction, until construction was resumed in 1926, completed and inaugurated in 1929.


When observing the National Capitol, we immediately notice its resemblance to the Capitol in Washington D.C. Although they are very similar on the outside, the one in Havana is a unique work with its own peculiarities, which also surpasses it in size with a meter more in height, width and length.

The most notable in the Capitol has been the general restoration that took place in 2010, the most significant in a long time, and that returned it to the splendor and beauty of its early years. These works were concluded in 2019, in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the founding of Havana, reopening its doors to the public. Most impressive was the work done on its dome, which was covered with gold sheets and stands at a height of more than 91 meters above sea level, being one of the greatest wonders of Havana.



The dome is the first thing we see from afar, every time I look at it, it never ceases to amaze me. During the years when it was restored, it was hidden from view, covered by a large white tarp and surrounded by scaffolding. Now, it shines in the sunlight and looks absolutely beautiful.

There is no doubt that this great building is designed to make us all its grandeur. Standing in front of its staircase, I can't help but have a feeling of smallness in front of this outstanding building.

As we climb the fifty-five granite steps of the staircase, we find two imposing bronze sculptures on either side. These statues, more than 6 meters high, are the work of sculptor Angelo Zanelli. One represents the virtue of the Cuban people and the other the prosperity of humanity.



After passing the sculptures, we arrive at a great portal with tall columns, and behind them, three enormous bronze doors with engravings that narrate the history of Cuba in different times. From this height you have an excellent panoramic view of the entire avenue.






At this point, the guides met with the whole group and separated us into three smaller groups, the foreign visitors went with one of the guides who spoke English, and the Cuban group was divided into two. The one in charge of our tour was a very nice young girl, who gave us a detailed explanation of the whole place. Then we went inside where I was three times as amazed with everything I could see and learn about the Capitol and its history.

From this place I think everyone leaves with a bit of a sore neck. It is impossible to resist looking up, and I don't know what is more beautiful if it is the sight of what is before our eyes, or the ceilings. I thought the portico ceiling was beautiful, but nothing really compared to those in the salons, (you will see this in my next article).



The place is also surrounded by a beautiful garden and a set of lampposts that adorn the surroundings.




In order to get a real idea of what I am describing, I recommend visiting the Capitol and seeing it with your own eyes, I think that the photos do not capture the real beauty of all that is there.

With this I conclude my first publication. I hope you liked it and that you have learned something about this symbol of the Cuban nation.




Until the next time! 👋

Bibliography/ Bibliografia

For more details about the construction of the Capitol I leave this 👉Wikipedia link

Para que puedan consultar más detalles sobre la construcción del Capitolio dejo este 👉 Enlace de Wikipedia

Original content by the author. © 2024 @jordy0827. All rights reserved.

Contenido original del autor. © 2024 @jordy0827. Todos los derechos reservados.

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