The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Kranjska gora, Slovenia

When I visited Kranjska Gora in Slovenia a few months ago, during every walk I passed by the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which is located in the center of town. And every time I passed by the church, I admired its harmonious appearance, which fits perfectly into the ambiance of the mountain village. It is amazing that this place has preserved its authentic appearance despite the construction of many tourist facilities. Kranjska gora is a popular destination for skiing and is very visited during the winter, but it is equally beautiful in any season, and the church in the center of the town gives it a special charm and is its symbol.


When you walk through the town square and the main street, you must notice this church because it is located in the most beautiful place, in the heart of Kranjska Gora, tucked away among beautiful mountain traditional houses under the snowy peaks of the Alps.


Locals say that this church is very old and was once called Mary on the White pebble. The bell tower remained from that former church, and later, at the beginning of the 16th century, a new part of the church was built in the late Gothic style.





The Gothic style has always fascinated me, especially the early Gothic style which is full of ornamentation, playfulness and elegance. In late Gothic, there are not so many ornaments and the style is more harmonious, as evidenced by the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.


The church has many interesting details among which are monuments to prominent historical figures of Kranjska Gora, such as the composer Josip Lavtizar.







It is embellished by narrow, large windows, typical of the late Gothic style.



It has its own courtyard, surrounded by old houses built in traditional style.




I was very curious and wanted to go inside, but I felt somehow uncomfortable to go in during the Mass, so I just peeked a little, but unfortunately I didn't take photos. In fact, you can enter this church only during Mass in the period indicated on the door. But still, I managed to peek a little and I saw the lavish elegance with lots of ornaments and floral details characteristic of the late Gothic style. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photos of the interior. The lights were very intense so that also contributed to my reluctance to enter. I felt as if I was going to interrupt the solemn act by entering, and that is why I gave up.


I like to go back to past centuries and visit towns that preserve their traditions and thus give us a unique chance to travel through time. Architecture from the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century was very specific, at the same time harmonious and fantastic, and decorative and moderate. But what is certain is that it impresses and inspires.

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



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