The Design and Architecture of - Creative and Dynamic Coffee Shop in The City Center


Hello everyone,
How are you friends? I hope and pray for all members of the Architecture+Design Community to always be given health and happiness in living this life. In this community, we can see various stories and information about design and architecture from all over the world. Every week, I also try to continue to be able to participate in this community by sharing my stories, experiences and impressions of a building that I think has something that I can share with friends.

Some of my recent stories and posts on Architecture+Design Community have always been about coffee shops or cafes. In my city, for the past two years it has become like a competition for coffee shop entrepreneurs to compete for customers. As we all know, coffee consumption which continues to increase every year is an opportunity for the coffee shop business. However, consumer patterns are unpredictable and very disloyal to one coffee shop.

Therefore, the coffee shop also tries to create an attractive design and architecture for its visitors as an attraction and also as the identity of the coffee shop. Moreover, in the current era of social media, visual appeal is very important because what we see is always in the form of a picture. This time, I want to discuss the design and architecture of one of the coffee shops in my city, namely Coffee Shop. Coffee Shop


This coffee shop is located at R.A Kartini Street no. 36 Medan City, North Sumatra. is in a very strategic location because it is close to the city center, the North Sumatra governor's office, government offices, banks, and various other vital objects. In addition, things that make it easier for us to find this coffee shop, because is located within the fence complex of the legendary Medan Club Bar and Restaurant in Medan City.

I came to this coffee shop at 11 am, no need to think about the parking location because we can use the very large parking space of Medan Club Bar and Restaurant. The coffee shop building is not too wide, it is right under a large shady tree that may be hundreds of years old. I'm always happy to see a commercial building still retaining the environmental aspect and not destroying this old tree.

Looking at the building from Coffee Shop, I get the impression that it is comfortable and calm. This coffee shop uses a monochrome color for the front, gray color on the walls and an iron building painted black. In addition, the composition of the dark brown color on the door seems to unite all aspects of color in this part of the coffee shop.

Outdoor Space for Smoking Area
For many people, a coffee shop is not just a place to drink coffee but a coffee shop is more than that. Coffee shops are also used by many people as a public space to meet business partners, community meetings or also to work. So, tries to facilitate all the needs of those customers. divides its coffee shop into three rooms that have different functions and have a million different interior designs.




The first part of the room, namely the outdoor room in the courtyard of this coffee shop and close to the big tree. To beautify the decoration, this coffee shop added some green plants in pots so that it makes this coffee shop more comfortable for us to visit. In this outdoor area, what I like the most is the choice of table and chair furniture that has chosen. The table and chairs are made of the best wood, because I can feel the quality of the wood when I hold it. All the furniture is varnished so that it is shiny and looks very beautiful when we see it. The positions of all the tables and chairs are also very neat, don't forget that one big tree makes this coffee shop look greener. In this outdoor space, visitors can smoke and because this coffee shop is next to a tennis court, you can also see people practicing tennis.

Colab Area



Next, we enter the indoor space of this coffee shop or one of the indoor spaces owned by this coffee shop. the combination of industrial interior design and urban coffee shop is the way this coffee shop displays its image to visitors. We can still see the monochrome impression in this coffee shop, seen from the brown or gray floors that contrast with the white and gray walls. There is one part of the wall with a wooden motif at the end of the room, which also serves as the coffee bar of this coffee shop. This section is very striking, the walls are given a wooden pallet arrangement and painted in a dark and classic wood color, especially with the addition of four chandeliers that make this coffee shop even more beautiful.



I like coffee shops that are able to provide good lighting during the day without having to turn on the lights, meaning that the coffee shop must be able to take advantage of free sunlight to enter the coffee shop space. I think, is able to do that very well. Sunlight enters this room from various places, such as from the front of the coffee shop which uses large transparent windows on the left and right of the coffee shop door. In addition to getting light from the front, sunlight is also obtained from the glass windows that are installed at the top of the walls of this coffee shop. This coffee shop has a floor and a roof that is quite far apart. I think this design makes this room look cooler and the air circulation is more flowing, besides that the fragrant aroma of Arabica Mandailing Coffee which is ground and brewed continues to make this room smell good.

The choice of furniture and interior used by this coffee shop is also very appropriate, making this room more organized and of course very beautiful. still uses chairs and tables made of wood as in the outdoor space, which are arranged very precisely. I had time to think, if the owner of this coffee shop is an OCD because seeing the arrangement of tables, chairs, decorations, interiors and furniture, it fits my eyes very well.



In addition to wooden chairs, I also saw that there were two sofas in each left and right corner but the most striking thing in this room were the two sets of long wooden tables and chairs placed in the middle of this room, it seemed suitable to be a place for discussion and collaboration for coffee shop customers. this. named this indoor space as Colab Area, hoping that everyone who comes to this coffee shop can collaborate to achieve each goal.

In addition to the two room concepts that I described earlier, has one VIP room that is used by visitors for meetings or discussions, but must make an appointment with the coffee shop before using it. In this VIP Room, is also used to entertain its clients. For information, this coffee shop also doubles as a production house for marketing, branding or packing a product. Unfortunately, when I arrived in this room there were already other visitors using it so I couldn't take pictures.

Tranquility and comfort, maybe the two words are right to describe my impression of Coffee Shop. This coffee shop is located in the heart of Medan City, surrounded by all the hustle and bustle of human activity that is always moving fast but in the midst of all that Coffee Shop can be the perfect escape for busy people. Drinking a cup of coffee in an aesthetically pleasing monochrome coffee shop accompanied by shady trees and a wide expanse of grass seems suitable to unwind or start an activity.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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