Some iconic 50s buildings of Colinas de Bello Monte in Caracas


Earlier today, during the afternoon, my husband and I were doing some shopping in the Colinas de Bello Monte neighborhood in Caracas. Since it was Sunday, and there was not much traffic, I thought it was an excellent time to take some pictures in this part of the city.

In this neighborhood, there are still some buildings from the 50's. Some are in a better state of preservation than others, but the area in general retains a very nice vintage feel. So let me share with you some images of the buildings I photographed today.

The first and one of the most emblematic of the area is Villa Monzeglio, which is popularly known as the Flying House.


This 1950s building is the work of an architect named Antonio Montini. Part of the construction rests on only two beams so that part of the construction seems to be in the air.

I don't know if I could live in a house like this. I feel dizzy imagining myself leaning out of one of those windows. What about you?




This house is located on Suapure Street in Colinas de Bello Monte.

From there we went to Caurimare Street where one of the buildings that I like the most in this area is located, the Imperial.


I don't know who the architect was, but I have always loved the design of this building. And although you can see that they have made some modifications to the facade of the balconies, even so, the building retains a nice look. On the first floor, there is a glassware shop for as long as I can remember.



Nearby, in the parallel block, on Caroni Street, there is another striking building from the 50s, which in its time had a very cool look, the Excelsior. But its facade has had better times.


From there on our way home, we passed by Miguelangel Avenue and stopped at the tiny Plaza Oberón. The building on the corner has some great balconies overlooking this tiny plaza.


In which, they recently placed a small statue of the well-known character Mafalda by the Argentinean cartoonist Quino. If you are Latin American, you have probably read some of Mafalda's comic strips. In this square, she is accompanied by a sculpture of her friend Manolito. I couldn't help taking a picture with Mafalda, hehe. In some hard drives, there must be one I have from many years ago with the Mafalda sculpture in Buenos Aires.




We continued along Avenida Miguelangel and passed by one building that has always seemed to me to have a strange design because of its main façade which gives you the feeling that the floors are tilted.

The building is not very well preserved and it would be a shame to let it deteriorate further.


This building called La Paz was designed by an architect named Alberto Parra Kadpa.

Further, along the same street, there is another building, Literio. I like its corner balconies.



I don't know who the architect was, but it is another striking building in this area.


After this, we were already at the edge of the neighborhood and we decided to go on our way home. And so ended our little tour back in time for some buildings in this area of the city.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

October 29, 2023

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