Modern Classic Interior Two Odd Souls Cafe


Hello everyone
If you are in a slightly stressed state, how do you reduce it? I think everyone has their own way of reducing stress, negative thoughts and bad feelings. That is why humans are very different from other creatures, that humans can deal with difficult situations in their own way, so the brain works well as a defense to make itself better.

I prefer to like something beautiful when I'm stressed, moreover it will help me to think clearly and defuse the situation. I think all humans like something beautiful, right? In fact, there are many beautiful things on this earth, such as beautiful places created by humans too.

An interesting and good work is created by people who have passion and good thoughts, that's why many artists get inspiration from all circumstances. The artist will create an instrument that leaves a message for the recipient. In my opinion, an architect is also an artist, because they create work in the structure or design of a building, that's why architects are paid a lot of money to create interesting work.


Two Odd Souls

I believe that interesting places must be thanks to the help of an architect, for example this café, I hope I can explain a little how beautiful someone's work is through this aesthetic café building design. Even though this café is quite far from my house, I really like this place with all my heart, without a few ugly holes that remain.



Two Odd Soul, the name of a café located on one of the streets in a luxury housing complex in Percut Sei Tuan sub-district, I even had to enter the toll gate to drive to this place. This café is being talked about a lot by people because of its attractive architecture and the food and beverages which are quite plentiful and interesting to try.

The entrance is clear enough without having to ask people around, which is made of teak wood which is heavy enough to push. Just as I pushed this door, I felt a good feeling, because even just from the entrance, you know how exclusive the door is for being one of the instruments in the architecture of the Two Odd Soul Café building.




As soon as I entered the café, I felt quite a fragrant aroma coming from a diffuser at several points. Of course, I was warmly welcomed by several employees who offered me where to sit, how many people and whether I liked outdoor or indoor. My eyes were immediately drawn to a corner that seemed to be really liked by women, full of sunlight and also a very aesthetic place as a photo background.

That angle also made me even more impatient to enjoy the food and coffee I ordered. Not long after waiting, the food and coffee arrived, I instantly captured the moment before my table was filled with lots of things.

In the corner there is a sofa with the letter L, it is soft because there are seat cushions made of soft foam and thick fabric like sofas in general. The color of the cushion is very versatile and matches the white table with a small round shape. The choice of cream color which is slightly combined with light grey, and with all the other ornaments in this café is very harmonious, the definition of minimalism mixed with luxury that is not excessive, more precisely modern classic that will not be timeless.





Opposite my table and chairs there is a sink with a mirror large enough to see our faces, compared to the shape of the sink which is quite unique, if you could say it is like using very sturdy terrazzo material. The minimalist and beautiful terrazzo color makes this corner sink even become a highlight in the café's architecture.


This café has 2 floors, I have just explained a little in detail from the 1st floor, now I will start to explain a little about the second floor which is no less interesting.

The second floor has a different concept from the first floor, where the second floor has a more exclusive impression. Usually the second floor is used for dinner parties, because they serve wine and alcoholic drinks. We can see a glass cupboard containing several bottles of wine, vodka and whiskey which can be ordered from 07.00pm – 12.00pm.



The design is quite interesting because on the second floor there are 2 statues which are quite interesting, both of them are holding something round, one is a NASA statue holding the moon, the other is an abstract shape of a human holding several balls.



The atmosphere was quite dark because it wasn't operating hours on the second floor, but I was allowed to enter to see the details of this café. Actually, it's quite simple, but the luxurious impression of a café on the edge of town makes me quite satisfied with learning a little about the design of an aesthetic café.


Of course, this café is very interesting for its food and drinks. I'm interested in coming back here, maybe another time!

See you the next time hive friends!

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About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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