Architecture With Auntum Vibes: Easy Eats Cafe


Hello everyone, this is a good day to tell lots of stories, of course all about my daily journal.
I have found a lot of friends lately, maybe it's normal for everyone, but for me it is an achievement to have made new friends and start to get closer. Honestly, I'm not someone who makes friends easily, because at my current age, have friends become difficult because all my friends are start to leave cause they are busy with their careers, partners or families.

As a woman has married but not have kids, especially since I don't have a job, I have a lot of free time, I can even play in the gym for 2 to 3 hours a day, that's 'me time' for me who feels very lonely. . After almost a year as a member at the gym center, I finally became close friends with 2 people who became 'gym partners' in training.


They are both very friendly, kind and easily make me laugh, the thing that makes us suitable for each other is our age difference, in fact I am 15 years different from one of my oldest friends. Well, both of them really like be invit to hang out in cafes, because they don't have friends who are the same frequency.

This is the reason why my two friends and I go to cafes almost every week. We like to look for new cafes that we have never been to. One of them is a cafe that is quite popular at the moment in the city of Medan, Easy Eats.

Easy Eats Cafe With Natural Design


Located on Jl Sriwijaya Ujung no 11, this café is quite unique in terms of design and architecture. This place is really good for family, friends, or inviting your partner to enjoy local food and delicious coffee. There are so many things to do here, especially to take photos like you are in a beautiful place in autumn.

In my opinion, the theme of their design is Japan or Korean vibes, this really radiates from several beautiful spots such as several plants and chairs provided for taking photos. There is one thing that management must do to make people interested in coming to visit the café is to create a photo spot to attract attention.





I also like a concept like that to add a good atmosphere to my social media feed, because I like taking photos and immortalizing good moments, life is full of pain, at least I have to smile in some photos on my social media feed and make a lot of people fooled.
Well, Easy Eats is very different from other coffee shops because this café is full of green. Why green? Because they really like the leaves and plants depicted at the entrance, even their fence is green with an old bicycle that has been repainted.


One of the things we like most is their spacious yard full of green leaves, very harmonious with the blue sky and white clouds and sunlight which makes everything very harmonious. Everything is depicted in one frame, and in my opinion the best time to go to this café is right at 04.00 pm, where the sun is already shady but still very bright, and the blue sky is still very visible.


In the room, there were a lot of people, but that didn't stop me from giving up on capturing the moment there. It seems like it's almost full with lots of people, indeed this café deserves appreciation from many people because apart from its attractive location, the food is quite varied.






On some walls, they also continue to carry natural values with the use of bricks and also wooden panels with a very cheerful turquoise green color. There are several paintings and pots with indoor plants that make this place look very harmonious. The lighting is also very good from any angle, so even in an indoor room, you won't lack light, and it's very suitable for those who like to sweat because this room is very cool and has minimal direct sunlight.




I like one of the interesting spots in this indoor room, namely the use of harmonious colors even though they are mixed with many colors, such as white, green, brown, black, red, terracotta and many others. I learned a lot about interior design here. What many people like is the layout and beauty designed in one building.

Do you like it as much as I do? Comment below.

See you the next time hive friends!

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About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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