Designing My Garden Pathway Using Limited Materials

Unlimited creativity produces beauty even with limited materials.


Some time ago, I made a garden wall using old zinc from my previous renovated house. It doesn't stop there, I can't stop using old materials around from my previous renovated house.

These used materials make my mind unable to stop. When I see my garden which is easily overgrown with wild grass. Especially the garden pathway area.


You can see for yourself that this pathway area is overgrown with grass. If left unchecked, the grass will also carry plant-destroying pests.

Finally I had the idea to design the pathway to be layered with some materials available in my house. I have some clay bricks that are a beautiful orange-brown color.

Also, I have some used ceramics. Apart from that, in my garden there are also river small stones which I can combine with clay bricks and ceramics.


After cleaning up the weeds that were growing, I started arranging the clay bricks one by one. I gave myself a distance of about the size of my footsteps to walk step by step.

Every one area line, I added 4 blocks of clay bricks. This is to keep this area balanced when my feet step on it when looking at my garden.



After finishing with the clay bricks, I moved on to collecting river small stones around my garden. Those stones look dirty with dirt. So, I washed them first so that their original color would emerge and create a natural vibes around the garden pathway.

Then, I also added ceramics at both ends of the pathway which contained clay bricks.


The results look good even though they are still not neat because I lack small stones to fill the pathway area. I plan to buy small stones to fill in the gaps in this area.

Continuing to another pathway area, I used ceramics consisting of two different motifs. Due to the limited supply of ceramics, I had to provide the right distance so that there were enough ceramics to fill the pathway. Balance is quite important here.


I also used a plastic string for simple measurements 🤣 I'm not a pro. When my husband comes home from work, he just laughs at my work 🤣 but at the same time he is proud that I can do everything myself.

The results were not very good because the pathway area was bumpy. Apart from that, the limited supply of small stones as I mentioned above means that my work is not completely perfect. But next time I will upgrade again if I have bought other materials.

I am grateful for the limited materials left over from renovating my house. So there is no leftover material and no space filled with junk.


My garden space after big rain

I like the results of my hard work alone 🤣 even though it's not very neat, I enjoy looking at the new pathway in my garden. Looks neater. Also, my garden seems to have areas separating each other.

Well, I still have a lot of work to do to fill the empty areas with small stones to avoid crazy grass growth. Also, there is still one pathway that I haven't designed with stones or ceramics.


All old materials are gone now. So, this is all I can do. Not bad for making me sweat! See you again in my next garden stories! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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