Typhoon Odette Rage.


Here's my Crazy and Scary night when the Typhoon Odette hits Cebu.

Sorry for I was late to post, because of the slow internet.


Starting from a calm noon at 3pm on December 16, I went to the sea shore to have a video on it and I was so comfortable that day cause I thought the typhoon has not to be land on south Cebu,


because of many typhoon that came in every year I thought that it would be okay, then the night came at around 7:30 pm I went to my Grandfathers boat along side with my uncle and other friend of them, from the house we walk about 5mintues to arrive at our destination where the boat faces the sea shore and then we remove the wings of the boat and the floater and the we pull it up and put it to the high land and it has to be safe then,


when the time passes the wind getting strong and the waves of the sea is getting so rough and I can't imagine that how strong was this typhoon are, so then I said to my grandpa that I will go home first, later on I went to my friends house to say hi and check them if their okay, and when I arrive they are not their because they go to the sea to watch and save the boat of my friend that is floating, so on that time I tell my other friend that we should go and try to help them,


so later on we walk for almost 20 minutes and then we arrive at the place we're the strong rain, strong wind and a bug waves of the sea, we struggle and we fought the wind,rain and the sand because it is to strong that we can't face it, so the time that the typhoon had landfall around 9pm on that night, I always think my family if they were safe there in the house,


so I said to my friends that I will go first because I'm so worried at my family, and then I go first and left my friends and also their is no electricity already and the flashlight that I used was on a small lighter and then I run faster and I feel so scary and I always think on that time that Lord God if what ever happens to me please be protect my family,
then I continue to run and every second that counts when I run I see trees that went down some electric wires went down and some roofs that been layed on the streets and I think on my self that what if there's a tree that run down on me or a roof will fly and run down on me or an electricity went cut and caught me, so I run and run so fast i remove my slippers because it's so slippery and then later on it came to my mind and think that this is my last chance to be alive I think on my self that this is 50/50 situation so then I run and run then I almost near at the Brgy. Hall of our place, there's a one roof thats so loud because of the strong wind and I always look to the roof when I'm running and then the roof fly away towards me and also I think on that time that I will be dead already so when the roof went flying on me I jump so hard and the roof hits on my legs and then the roof it went away and I continue to running and stop on a little house that has a light and I look up on my legs if they were okay and then I check and there is no wound and I said that thank God that I'm okay, so i continue to run until I got home on the house and my family said that were have you been when this kind of situation you must stay indoor because outdoor it is not safe, so I tell them that were I came from and later on I sit on a chaire and didn't talk and I've been having trauma on that night,

And in the morning the typhoon was gone and I went outside their so many house's that been broken almost houses has no roof and went wreck, and all tree went cut and fell down on the ground,
And also the survival mode starts on December 17 when we're no lights no electricity and the gasoline is so hard to buy that you must form a line so you can buy a gasoline when your turn comes, also same on the mineral water that you drink it's so hard to get it because their are 2 gallons of water for every household on the family, and the Mayor here in Moalboal selling it because they had a Generator and a refilling station, so I lined up the 7 gallons of mine and starts to line up at 8:30am and I got the water 12:11am at the midnight it's almost 17 hours to get a water to drink and I also sacrifice for it cause I have my family defends on me for the water to drink. And then when I got the 7 gallons of water we went home and I almost out of energy and I did not sleep I went to panagsama around 2:40am and looking for a network for to chat on others and try to communicate to them but it's hard to catch a strong cignal so I went to sleep and tommorow is another survival day on my hometown.

Once again this is Christian aka Takmol saying that even if the hard time comes you need to fight for it and their will be a blessing soon, Godblessusall everyone

A big thanks to @indayclara and @ybanezkim26 for giving relief goods to me and also a cash donation worth of 4000 and also thank you for the hive community and the family 🙏♥️


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