Jake Lang – Jan 6th Political Prisoner: No Trial, No Visitors, No Justice

January 6th has become an infamous date.
In 2020 many Americans, frustrated at how fraud had played a part in removing President Trump, went to Capitol Hill to show their support for democracy.
Jake Lang was one of many thousands who made the journey to Washington DC to join other like-minded patriots.
He is now being held in a DC prison along with 900 other Americans for daring to come to the nation's capital to show they would not accept a stolen election.
Hearts of Oak spoke with Jake from his prison cell and were shocked at his story of detention without trial, solitary confinement and how he was denied the right to have visitors for well over a year.
Tune in to hear his shocking story and please share far and wide.

Political prisoner Jake Lang is serving time in Washington DC for his actions on January 6th.
Jake, a Jewish Trump supporter, has been held without trial and abused in the DC Gitmo for over a year and a half.
He was trampled when Capitol Police attacked and then without warning pushed Trump supporters down the stairs outside the US Capitol in Washington DC.
Jake was buried under several people when the Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him.
He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was trampled as the police pushed Trump protesters on top of her.
Jake saw Rosanne die.
He also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body that was lying next to Rosanne as the DC Police continued to beat, push and pepper spray the protesters on the ground.
That’s when Jake decided to take action.
Being a former wrestler, he was able to save himself and then he pulled Philip to safety.
His rescue of Mr Anderson was caught on video, The entire time he was pulling him to safety the police continued to strike protesters with sticks and attack them with pepper spray.
Jake saved Philip Anderson’s life.
Then he went back and confronted the police who were still attacking the Trump supporters.
It should be noted that the Trump crowd was entirely peaceful until the Capitol Police decided to fire flash grenades on the men, women, children and seniors who had gathered outside the US Capitol.

The Truth about January 6th Documentary, narrated by Jake Lang available at https://www.j6truth.org/

Donate at https://www.givesendgo.com/J6truth

Interview recorded 22.7.22

Audio Podcast version available at ⁣https://heartsofoak.podbean.com/ and all major podcast directories.

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