There is peace when the charity begins with the home


Hello my amazing friends,

This is my first time of publishing in this community on a topic that touches and changes every soul that is ready to be change and the topic is tag “charity begins at home”.

Before I should go further I will like to brainstorm on what charity is all about!!

Charity means helping someone, it could be your relatives, friends, parent, neighbors and well wishers with something special from your heart without any biased, Biased in the sense that you favor some people more than some like you help outsiders than your own house.

It is a part of training I faced although is an experience with a surprise to me as am growing up but I see it as a training to keep me strong despite is surprising but is reality. I have so many experience that I will love to share concerning me and my uncle.


I am a boy growing under my grand mother without knowing who is my mother because she passed away when I was small and very little, one of her son who happens to be a bit financially bouyant decided to take my responsibility in school.

As times go on am going to school without any challenges he buys and do everything for me that I need because am a bit good in school so he believes I will do well at the end.

So to cut everything short we reach the end and in the school I wrote my waec we all failed no body has a result that at least he can read further, he has to rewrite again.

My teachers were complaining that me in particular am not serious because some of my staffs are his friends in church. So they complain that I don't even attend lessons in class and I don't even come to examination hall on time sometimes till the called me on phone.

What a life full of mystery and lies from people that we do call believers, this my staff do deprives us our right and give it to others because the see us like we are not serious.

My uncle pay some student waec fees and left me at home instead of giving a try again to see how the outcome will be but he was busy insulting me turning me to be his slave in the farm what made me surprised was he paid for student waec fees and left me like am the only one that fail the warc in that school.

And again he open a computer business center and employ someone to work for him and me if I come there I don't have right to say anything even if the person he employed was cheating, me I don't have right to talk to him.

That year runs up am still at home he do send money to some of my friends that he knows because he taught us together in fellowship of christian student (FCS) extra moral class. One of my friend in particular told me that my uncle send him 10 thousand naira that my uncle is very kind.

While me am even telling him to help with money for soup he will tell me he don't have money but my friend calling me to appreciate my uncle through me could imagine, my uncle has turn me to be like nobody just because I couldn't make my result.

Even at home he don't help even to bring food home he finds it difficult to do so but you will be hearing people outside coming to my grandma telling her of the goodness of her son but he is not doing it for her nor we at home.

Sometimes he doesn't even eat what we cook even as my grandma struggle to put food on the table. He bought a brand new phone for his girl Friend but his sister and his mum and me too don't have phone.

So I know met my grandma and complain to her on his behaviors and what am hearing outside is different from what we are seeing at home infact the cloth that are not sizing him he may give it to people outside or burned them than for is to wear it.

People praise him in the church and the community while we grumble. Although I notice that this issue is common in our world today so my said in everything there is solution.


In other to make him understand that what he is doing is not right by pleasing people outside and displeasing people in his house my grandma have to report him to the reverend and called him and talk to him and encourages him.


Our Reverend encourage him and said if you are helping people outside and your house are not benefiting you are working in vain he said if you like build the whole church if you are not at peace with your family is useless.

As our Reverend finish encouraging he said charity begins at home not in the church not in people house no matter what
offense your family did to you please forgive them friends that is how we restore my back to his sense.

Thank you for reading

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