Balancing work with personal life..

Balancing work with personal life..


We live in a world where you have to work either hard or smart before you can eat, no one is willing to work their ass out continually for anyone to continue to reap on them. I prefer to work smart for my daily bread instead of investing too much energy with little or no profit, the body needs rest just as we need to work our survivals. I have learned to balance my work life with my personal life. My work time are those serious moments that gets me focused on doing the things that puts food on my table. It's not easy balancing work with personal life most especially if you are working for an organization or the government.

I find it more easy to concentrate on my self and personal growth, I am an entrepreneur and at the same time a student. When it's time for breaks from school I have more time to concentrate on my personal growth and development and when I am in school, I have little time to pay attention to my wants and other extracurricular activities. Aside working hard for survival, concentrating on yourself is very vital and we need to pay attention to that. Many people end up not enjoying the wealth they've accumulated because of lack of personal development and approach to life. There are certain ways we will never follow if we seat and examine things for ourselves, checking up on yourself is the greatest gift to give yourself because no body will love you like you do.

I can be very serious when it comes to work but I don't allow my work time to take over the time for my ownself and my body. "All work without play makes Jack a full boy" doesn't completely makes Jack a lazy person. Sometimes our body needs rest too because if we break down from the work we are doing today, another person will take over the work tomorrow.
I make sure I create time to go out and taste new dishes, go and gist with friends and have fun. I usually rest whenever I work of myself. I don't have a specific time for that because I am not subjected under any force to work, I just just make sure I create enough time to rest and for my personal development.


We will soon start exams and I can't wait to finish the semester and back home. School is tasking because you don't options than to go to class, read and pass. Once we are done here, I will make sure I put out sometime to cool off my stress and do other fun activities. Our mental health matters allot and over working oneself isn't a good way of promoting our mental health, when our minds gets clouded with too many tasks we loose our peace and put ourselves in traumatic conditions. Balancing work with personal life is very important because failure to allocate proper timing for any of them could lead to complicated issues.

Just as the saying "all work without play makes Jack a full boy", "an idle man is the devil's workshop". When you don't work you will end up getting into trouble, we all need money in one way or the other and without money, you might end up turning a beggar or engage in theft activities for survival.

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