
Life is programmed in such a way that staying in isolation will spark more challenges and if not properly managed could lead to death. Human beings are a special specie of God's creation whose system of lifestyle is interdependent.

The theme for this inleo initiative 3 speaks about etiquette for harmonious living with a neighbor. This is very critical and the need for the present time looking at the trending things in the globe today. What we see now wasn't so in the beginning. The story told by my parents during their days comparing with what I see now, there is a variance and vacuum that need to be filled. People before hardly live in isolation unlike now that is almost becoming a general acceptable thing.
Let me draw some input on the key subject matter.

who is a neighbor?

This question may be simple and difficult to answer depending on the side of the coin however in my opinion it should be a common ground of thought. A neighbor is anyone that lives close to you. A neighbor is a person near or lives very close to you in spite there background, or other appellations. Neighbor has nothing to do with with your tribe, religion or social status. Any individual that lives near where you are is said to be a neighbor. When I was growing up, my mindset was that a neighbor must be like a friend or a family that is known and we share things I'm common not minding the distance. There's a paradigm shift with the present development in knowledge. A neighbor worth more than a gold and a brother as far as I am concerned. A neighbor is even closer than the family members because of proximity.


I remembered there is a young family man that lives in my uncle's boys quarters. When he was bedridden, it was his neighbor that stood out all through even when he dropped his last breath in the hospital. This is truly a definition of a neighbor without missing any word.

what's etiquette?

Etiquette simply means the rules or guidelines that controls a particular behavior. It could also means customs that directs one on what to do per time.

The power of living in harmony with neighbor.

It's a great thing when we live in harmony and peace with our neighbors I think at all cost. I would share some tips that could help one live in harmony with neighbor and what are those things to avoid which could have a negative impact.
Some of the dos are;

  • Be friendly. Learn to be friendly to your neighbor. Show them love, care and concern. Presently I have a neighbor in my compound even though we weren't the same tribe, religion etc yet I relate with him as a friend. He so excited when ever he sees me and hardly does he get angry on time.
  • Be helpful. Be sacrificial and respond to any need that you capacity to handle.
  • Behave maturely. It's not everything that you must respond to for the sake of peace and harmonious living.
  • Maintain your integrity and trustworthy nature. Have respect for each other's opinion. Don't be biased.
  • Endeavor to maintain some level of neatness and decorum.
    Some of the dont are;
  • Avoid unnecessary noise and arguments. Always give allowance to tolerate each other.

It might not be easy but it's achievable to live together with a neighbor. We need one another all other Incase of any challenge. You might be up today and tomorrow you might be down. Your neighbor might be there to help out.

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